I pull into the valet with around eight minutes to spare. The attendant takes my keys, and I head inside, aiming for the elevator bank. I am surprised to find Sasha stepping from the elevator cab and into the lobby. The clothes Layla chose fither impeccably. The long open-front sweater provides a modest view of the leggings hugging the generous curves of her hips and thighs, and the V-neck of her well-fitted T-shirt provides the faintest peek at the cleavage of her ample breasts.
Walking toward me—struggling to carry all the bags I had delivered yesterday—she flashes a short, nervous smile. “Good morning, beautiful,” I greet her, watching her shoulders drop and her face crumble as the words pass my lips. “Is it my arrival or the name that makes you uncomfortable?”
Her eyes widen, clearly surprised by my observation, and she whispers, “Beautiful… That was Isaac’s name for me.”
“You are far too stunning for me not to compliment your appearance, but I will be mindful of using that word,” I promise, reaching for the bags to relieve her of their weight. “What are you doing in the lobby?”
“Coming to meet you,” she answers timidly. “So you don’t have to wait for me.”
“I appreciate your punctuality, but I willalwayscome to collect you,” I explain. “I don’t want you going anywhere without me or protection.”
“I…I’m sorry,” she stammers.
“And most of all”—I collect the last bag from her hand—“I need you to let me take care of you. Understood?”
Struggling to meet my gaze, Sasha nods her agreement.
“I’m not angry or upset with you, sweetheart,” I assure her, noting her disappointment in her own behavior.
“Really?” She sounds genuinely surprised as we walk to my car, which is still sitting in the valet.
I deal with the attendant and retrieve my keys, delaying my answer to her. “Yes, really.” I open her car door, and she lifts a black folder from the passenger seat to climb into it. “Why don’t we go get some brunch before I take you to my place? It’ll give us a chance to discuss the contract in your hands.”
Closing her door, I stow her bags in the trunk. I join her in the car and drive toward the Williamsburg Bridge, heading into Brooklyn. It’s thirty minutes in the opposite direction of my apartment, but The Galway has a remarkable traditional Irish breakfast, right down to the beans and soda bread.
This late in the morning, the restaurant is sparsely populated, and it only takes a few minutes for us to get a large semi-circle booth and a couple of cups of coffee. I order for us both—after Sasha vehemently denies being hungry—waiting for the server to leave before sliding along the hunter-green leather bench to sit closer to her. Placing the folder between the two of us on the table, I open it to reveal the contract within.
Liam sits so close that I inhale the faint spicy oak of his cologne as I stare down at the open folder he splayed across the table. My eyes are drawn to the large, bold letters at the top of the paper. Staring at the title, my tone is laced with curiosity when I mumble, “A contract?”
“Yes,” he answers flatly. “This goes far beyond detailing the length of our arrangement. Communication between us is absolutely vital—more so than a traditional relationship—and this walks us both through that conversation. I want you to know in explicit detail what I’m offeringtoyou and what I am going to requireofyou. This will also make sure I know what you need fromme.”
From talking to him yesterday, I knew Liam was going to be completely different from the other men I’ve been with, but this is vastly uncharted territory for me.What I need?It has been ingrained in me that my job as a submissive is to make sure my Dom’s needs are met. It has never been about my desires.
“What we decide today isn’t concrete,” he continues, pulling me from my thoughts. “We can always renegotiate rules and limits as our relationship develops.”
My eyes roam down the contract. Beneath the six-month term of our arrangement are bullet points of his rules for me.
The submissive:
-will follow commands in an appropriate manner and timeframe
-will make eye contact when being spoken to or speaking
-will eat three meals a day and drink a minimum of five glasses of water
-will never hide their feelings or thoughts
-will maintain pride in her dress, appearance, and hygiene (to include remaining hair-free at all times)
-will inform the Dominant if they are too unwell (physically or mentally) for sexual activity
-will not seek sexual gratification without permission
-will thank her Dominant for all orgasms he provides or allows