Page 31 of Master

-The contents of the box go wherever you do

Good girls get rewarded for good behavior,

– Liam

Tearing at the satin black ribbon, I pull it from the box and hastily remove the lid. I haphazardly pull the tissue paper from the box and toss it onto the bed until I reveal what he has given me—a mini wand.

Wrapping my hand around the small yellow wand, I lift it from the box and push the button to turn it on. The loud buzz of the heavy vibrations echoes around the room, only muffling slightly when I press its head against my palm.Though she is small, she is mighty.This is equally as strong as the full-size versions I have used—or had used on me—in the past.

Bringing the wand everywhere I go, I spend my morning tidying Liam’s already immaculate apartment. Quickly running out of things to clean, I look through the cabinets to decide what to make for dinner. Surprised I’ve gone all morning without a word from Liam, I head into the bathroom to get ready for lunch.

Wanting to ensure I look good for his sisters-in-law, it took a little longer than expected to get ready. Glancing at my watch—10:54 a.m.—I quickly grab a purse from my closet to stow the wand and my phone. My phone rings from within the bag as I walk briskly to the door, not wanting to be late.When I pull it out, I find Liam’s name on the screen and quickly swipe my thumb over it to answer as I reach the front door.

“Are you bringing your toy to lunch?” Liam asks before I have a chance to say a word.

Wrapping my hand around it inside my bag, I answer, “Yes. It’s in my bag.”

“Good girl,” he praises. Barely taking a breath, he instructs, “Take it out of your bag, spit on it, and put it on your clit.”

Seriously?Thisis when he decides to call.

Gathering saliva in my mouth, I drip it onto the wand as I lift my skirt. I pull my panties to the side, place it against my pussy and put my thumb on the power button before awaiting further instruction.

There’s no way I won’t be dripping down my legs with this thing…

“Don’t worry about making a mess, sweetheart,” Liam comforts as though he can read my thoughts. “You aren’t coming. I want to listen to you bring yourself right to the edge. You better hurry up and turn it on, though. You wouldn’t want to be late.”

Pressing the button, the throbbing vibrations immediately rattle me to the core. “Fuck.” The breathy grunt flies from me, quickly followed by a slew of uncontrollable moans. My chest heaves as my clit throbs against the flutters of the wand. I try to fight it, but it’s so strong that it quickly has me hurtling toward the brink. I bite at my lower lip, and a pained whimper falls from my lips.

“Mmmm… That sound…” Liam purrs. “You’re so close, aren’t you, sweetheart?”

“Yes,” I cry softly.

“How far can you go?” he taunts. “Can you give me another thirty seconds of those sweet fucking sounds you make?”

With trembling thighs, I respond, “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl,” Liam croons.I’d go another thirty minutes to hear him praise me again.My knuckles grow white as I violently clench the wand in my fist, struggling against my need to come. Seconds tick by like hours, and he finally instructs, “Turn it off.”

I’ve been denied more times than I can count, but not once have I had to deny myself. The urge to disobey him and provide the relief I need is overwhelmingly strong, but I force myself to follow his command. My clit is throbbing when I pull the wand from it. I turn it off and struggle to catch my breath. My heavy breaths echo down the phone, nearly drowning out Liam. “You’re going to be late for lunch.” His tone is cheeky and playful. “Talk to you soon, sweetheart.”

The phone goes silent, and I pull it from my ear to find he has hung up. I note the time—11:00 a.m.—as a loud knock rattles the door before me.Shoving the wand and phone back into my purse, I quickly smooth down my skirt and open the door.

The tall, red-haired man on the other side of the threshold quickly takes in my labored breaths and what I can assume are my flushed cheeks and gruffly asks, “Are you okay, ma’am?”

“Fine,” I respond. Embarrassed—and wondering if he could hear me from the other side of the door the whole time—but fine.



Moments after hanging up the phone, I already want to call her back.At least I don’t need to wait too long.Thinking about our next call, I can’t fight the devilish smile spreading across my face.

“What the fuck?” I blurt, finding Conor standing behind me when I turn to rejoin my brothers in the lounge. Pushing past him, I gruffly ask, “Were you listening the whole fucking time?”

“Not thewholetime,” he emphatically draws out his answer. “I came to ask you a question about the time she said ‘fuck.’ You had her on speaker, and I’ll be honest, I was too intrigued to walk away.”

“Too intrigued to walk away from what?” Finn chimes from the bar when we loudly enter the lounge.