Baffled by his response and uncertain how to respond, I stay silent as he continues to wash away all the evidence of both our releases. When we’re both clean, he turns me in his hold and tips my face up toward his. “I will not be satisfied with our training until you learn to accept nothing less from your next Dom than the respect and adoration that I provide you,” he promises, his gaze unwavering.
Turning off the water, he grabs a soft terry towel and wraps it around me before grabbing one for himself. “I can do that myself,” I mutter when he begins drying me.
“I know you can, sweetheart, but you shouldn’thaveto,” he whispers, running the towel down my legs. Clean and dry, Liam leads me to my bed, tosses back the covers, and gestures for me to climb between the sheets. He pulls the comforter over me and tenderly runs the back of his hand along my cheek. “You did very well tonight. Get some rest, Sasha.”
His hand slowly drags from my face, and I immediately miss his touch. He turns on his heel to leave me, and I grasp for his hand. “Sir?” I murmur. “Will you stay with me?”
“Stay?” Liam repeats the word, his voice ticking up as he turns back to face me. I look up to find his brows slightly furrowed. Immediately feeling like I crossed a boundary I shouldn’t have, I let his hand slide from mine. I roll away from him and try to bury my face in the pillow, desperately trying to hide my embarrassment as I pull the covers up to my chin. Liam expels a slow, heavy sigh, alerting me that he is still beside my bed.
“Scoot over,” Liam gives the gentle demand.
Great… A pity cuddle.
Without turning to face him, I mutter, “You don’t have to.”
“Sasha, I dislike having to repeat myself and definitely do not appreciate your overt violation of your rule about looking at me when you speak.” He places his hand on my hip and gives it a firm squeeze. “Unless you want to be corrected for both transgressions, I suggest you scoot your gorgeous arse over.”
I slide across the bed to the adjacent pillow to make room for Liam. The mattress dips, and he climbs in with me. “I know tonight was a lot for you, so I will stay until you fall asleep.” Liam wraps his arms around me, and he pulls me into the warmth of his body. His breath blows over the crook of my neck as he holds me in his embrace. Relishing in the comfort and safety of his body wrapped around me, it only takes moments for my exhaustion from tonight to consume me. As I drift off to sleep, I barely register the words he speaks softly against my ear. “But I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. You need to remember what this is. You’re my student, and I’m your teacher.”
You’re my student, and I’m your teacher.
My words are hurtful—I know they are—but they’re as much for me as they are for her.
Never again…
It’s why I have rules for myself: separate bedrooms, contracts, and not letting any woman serve as my submissive for more than a few months. Each has a purpose. They all maintain the firm line I draw between an arrangement and a relationship. I lie and tell myself it’s so the women I temporarily bring into my life don’t become too attached. So they don’t get hurt when our time together comes to an end.
Yet, when Sasha asked me to climb into bed with her… Her soft request rang through my ears like a pained plea, and I couldn’t stop myself.
Just like I can’t seem to stop myself from doing a lot of things when it comes to her.
When I broke my own rules and slid into bed with Sasha, one thing became abundantly clear.It’s bullshit. The only person I’m trying to ensure doesn’t get hurt is me.
With her curvaceous arse nestled against my hips and her pert tits tucked under my arms, Sasha’s body tucks perfectly against mine.Too perfectly. This is what I have been trying to avoid since Ellaleft. Holding her against me and listening to the sounds of her slumbered breaths, I can’t deny how much I like this.
Or how much I like her…And how utterly absurd that notion is.I have only known Sasha for a few days.
Trying not to rouse her, I carefully pull my arm from beneath her and climb out of the bed. I let myself out and pull the door shut as I make my way across the hall. It’s a futile attempt to put distance between us because all I smell when I slide between my own sheets is the sweet scent of jasmine.
I need a distraction.
It’s late as hell, but I grab my cell phone from the nightstand and text my brothers.
The lot of you have been awfully quiet.
It’s been quiet.
Ivan has been upholding his side of the deal
I’ll be back at the club in the morning.
Is everything taken care of for Sasha’s security.