They discarded their dirty boots and jackets at the door. He leaned in and claimed her mouth with a searing kiss. It was slow, and hot, and deep; his body pressed her back against the wall, so she could feel every solid, taut, inch of him.

He felt like a man possessed, and nothing in the world could have kept him from her. He carried her to the bathroom and flicked the heater on. He ran one hand down her curves and felt her tremble at his touch, and lord, he loved how responsive she was, how he could see the effect he had on her, her desire just as wild as the fire burning in his own veins. She felt so good in his arms, her curves moulding against him eagerly as she pressed ever closer.

While the water heated up, he lovingly undressed her, memorising every inch of her skin. Then she helped him out of his own clothes before they stepped into the shower together.

He soaped his hands and glided them up and down her arms and legs, across her back and belly, and over her breasts. Then he sank to his knees and tasted her core. She writhed in pleasure, pushing herself into his mouth and hands, as he worked his own kind of magic.

She pulled him up and wrapped her legs around him as he pushed himself into her. He watched her face—her eyes closed, and she appeared to be savouring every single sensation.

God, she was beautiful. And his, all his.

He cupped her chin with one hand and leaned in close. His kiss was hot and fierce, his body hard and tense, as if he could show her without words how he felt about her.

She cried out his name as they came together, a hot mess of limbs and satisfaction.

They had dried off after their shower and retreated to the warmth of the bed. Contented and happy, Justin lay on his back with Freya's body cradled against his side, her head on his chest.

"I wish we could stay here all day." Her voice was wistful.

"Me too." He drew lazy circles on her back with his fingertips.

She rested her chin on him, and she looked at his face. "I have to get up though. I have to prepare for the ag show this weekend."

He frowned. "What ag show?”

“The Maleny Agricultural Show is on this Friday and Saturday.”

“Is that like the Brisbane Ekka, with rides and show bags?"

She giggled. "Yes, but on a much smaller scale. This is just a country show with more of an emphasis on the animals and machinery than sideshow alley and fairy floss."

He smiled at her as he said teasingly, "But just so I've got this correct, there will be dagwood dogs, right?"

"Yes, there will be dagwood dogs." She climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. "I can't believe you like them. They're just a sausage on a stick, covered in batter and fried."

In between kisses, he murmured back at her, "Not all of us were raised with chefs in the family."

She started nibbling his neck, kissing down his chest.

"What else can I expect from this show?"

"Dad is one of the cattle judges"—she licked, and nibbled, and sucked—"and Greer is entering the cake-decorating competition.”

He groaned as she teased one of his nipples. “Are you entering anything?”

“No, but I'm running a stall for Emerald Hills. We'll have samples and kids’ activities."

"Will you be busy the whole time?” His mind was starting to cloud over with desire, and he didn't know how much more he could take.

"I'm sure I'll be able to get away for a little while and show you some of the show highlights." Her hand headed south, and he gasped as she clenched him.

"There's a rodeo on Saturday night and fireworks," she said casually. “It’ll be fun.”

Justin was breathing deeply, practically gasping, as she moved her hand up and down. “I know something else that’s fun.”

“Umm …" She exhaled as she wriggled her way down his body and took him between her teeth.

He sank back onto the bed and thanked his lucky stars he had stayed in town.