Freya tapped lightly on the screen door. She could see Justin sitting in the living room, hunched over something. He looked up to her and she saw his eyes were red and puffy. Without hesitating, she opened the door and stepped inside. Within seconds she was beside him, gathering him into her arms and stroking his hair. She whispered reassurances in his ear.
His arms enveloped her. His hands roamed over her back and she felt herself tingle under his touch. He nuzzled his way up to her mouth where his lips met hers, hot and hungry, in a searing kiss that shot all the way to her fingers and toes.
He broke the kiss and drew back to look at her. "Are you sure about this?"
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed against him. "You’re kidding, right?"
"No. I’m serious. I need to know."
She pressed her lips against his and even though the contact was brief, she shivered at the restrained desire sizzling in the coiled strength of his hard body. "Yes. I want you."
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, laying her down on the bed. Shepulled him on top of her, his deliciously aroused body pressed against her in all the right places.
She kissed along his spiky jawline and farther down to the soft skin of his neck. His pulse throbbed against her roaming lips.
He straightened and pulled off his shirt, revealing his toned torso with a smattering of fine, brown hair. She reached up to run her palms over his body and he groaned before reaching for her T-shirt and tugging it up.
As she rid herself of her clothes, he pulled off his jeans, all the while watching her. She lay back on the bed and he sat beside her. He slowly moved his focus from her face to scan her body, hovering on her breasts and slipping lower. His lips parted as his expression glazed over with increasing desire.
This time, he didn’t hold back. He kissed her deeply, probing her warm mouth as her body arched up against him, her tongue sliding to match his own wet strokes. It was incredible, the heat igniting him deep inside.
He rolled on a condom, and then he was with her, settling between her thighs—where he belonged.
Oh God. She thought she’d felt pleasure before, but this was something else. He was surging inside her, stroking her so deep, she was losing her mind. Freya clung onto him, rising to meet every thrust, until they were moving as one, each new stroke driving her higher, setting her blood on fire.
There were no words left, just the feel of him—hard, and deep, and so damn right she never wanted it to end. But her body couldn’t hold back. Soon, she was cresting, right there on the edge, his body bearing down on her and his mouth claiming hers.
Freya gave up trying to process the sensations crashing through her. She laid back and revelled in the waves of incredible pleasure.
Nothing compared to the ecstasy he brought her. Physical, emotional, total. This wasn’t just sex—this was a level of intimacy she’d never experienced before. Love in its most intense form.
Justin woke in the most blissful state to see that dawn was breaking outside. Freya was draped over him, half tangled up in the sheets. She was everything he'd fantasised about and more. And to have her ... finally. Like this. Like he had wanted from the moment he had laid eyes on her ...
It was more than intoxicating.
She opened those big brown eyes of hers and smiled up at him.
"Good morning," he whispered, his finger lightly tracing patterns across her collarbone.
"Morning, yourself."
Her phone chimed from the living room where she had happily forgotten it the night before. "What time is it?"
He twisted his head to see the digital clock on the bedside table. "Just after six."
She stretched. "I haven't slept this late in years."
He chuckled. "You call this late?"
She kissed his chin. "It is when you live on a dairy farm. Dad will have been up since four."
Justin's thoughts turned to Boyd, and he tried to swallow down the emotion.
“He would have been proud of you.” Freya stroked the hair around his ear. “I'm sure he loved you and just wanted you to be happy.”
“Is that why he never wrote to me? Never came to visit me?” His voice was full of venom, not directed at her—he hoped she knew that. “Did he think I’d be happier without him in my life?”
Freya rolled onto her side and ran her fingers over his chest. “Maybe he didn’t want to be a distraction. Maybe he thought you were better off without him.”