“No. But thanks for the biology lesson. Now I need a drink. What about you?”
Greer shook her head and disappeared to restock the cheese platters.
With no sun left, the air temperature was dropping fast, the cold tickling her lungs. Freya headed over to a table full of beer bottles, wine, and a various array of premixed spirits. She chose a can of Coke and opened the top. Seeing Justin still deep in conversation with her father, she decided to leave them to it. She wandered around the edge of the group and found her favourite spot. A large fig tree sat at the top of an incline, which had a beautiful view of the sloping hills. Many years ago, her father had built a bench seat, so people could sit and take in the landscape. She sat there now and breathed in deeply, savouring the cool night air.
With the chatter of the guests creating a backdrop, she leaned back in the chair, and let her thoughts return to Justin. Her skin goose pimpled as she thought of all the things shewanted to do to him, how much she wanted his touch on her skin, his lips on her mouth. Just thinking about the way he stood talking to her father made her want him.
Everything about him made her want him.
As if he had been summoned by the force of her thoughts, he appeared next to her. “Mind if I sit next to you?” His voice was full of something—desire?
“Please do.”
He sat next to her. Closer than he needed to. Close enough to touch.
“You and my father were talking for a while.”
He sipped his beer before looking at her. “He’s a great guy. I didn't think we would have much in common, but we really do.”
She smiled. "He has a way of finding things in common with everyone."
“I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. If it wasn’t for you, I would have gone home by now. I hadn’t even planned on coming up for the funeral, but I'm so glad I did. Not only have I learnt more about Boyd, but I also got to meet so many unique people. And I'm so thankful to you, and your family, for your generosity and kindness.”
His words were so heartfelt, and said with such passion, she felt her eyes moisten. “You don't have to thank us. We like you; we want to help you.”
“You like me?” He raised a brow and his mouth curved up.
She felt her pulse quicken and her mouth go dry.
She started to speak but he silenced her, covering her mouth with his.
Fireworks shot through her veins the moment their lips connected. The heat of his body, his arms around her. She parted her lips for him, angling her head and letting him take the kiss deep.
She had never been kissed like this before. By a man who acted like he was starving for her. And she had never felt like she was starving for a man before either. It was completely intoxicating.
When they finally broke apart for air, he brushed a light kiss on her lips and dropped his hands.
"I've been wanting to do that for a while," he breathed into her hair.
Desire quivered in her stomach. "Me too."
She turned toward him again and rubbed her hand over his rough cheek, then lowered her mouth to his. Her hands explored his chest and arms while her tongue explored his mouth. She couldn't get enough. She wanted him. All of him.
And he wanted her. She could feel his desire as he pulled her against him. He groaned as though reading her thoughts.
“We should go back to the party.” His voice was deep, smooth, and so damned sexy.
“They won't miss us,” she murmured, not wanting the moment to end.
“Freya, I want you more than you can possibly imagine. But this is neither the time or place He disentangled himself and looked her in the eyes. "I want our first time to be special. And I don’t want to risk being interrupted.” The certainty of his tone was almost her undoing.
She would have been perfectly happy making love to him on top of a hay bale in the shed, but she appreciated him wanting to take it slow.
He kissed her again, nibbling gently on her lip, before lifting her up and placing her on her feet. "Let's go get some food before it's all gone," he said, and took her hand in his.
Justin woke with thoughts of Freya swelling in his mind. Last night, he had finally held her in his arms and tasted that sweet, sweet mouth. If only he didn't want more now. If only a kiss had been enough. If only it hadn't made him want her even more. He would have been able to go back to the city and forget about her. Instead it had only cemented their attraction towards each other. Proved that what it was between them was truly magical.