She brushed his arm with her own, unable to avoid touching him for more than a few minutes. The look he shot her told her that he felt the same.
“Wow, this place is great,” Felicity exclaimed beside her. “Justin, if you'd inherited a place like this, there is no way I'd let you give it up.”
He chuckled at his sister's enthusiasm.
“There's Greer. I'll introduce you.” Freya led them towards her sister and introduced Felicity.
“Freya told me you're an amazing chef. I love cooking, but I don't think I'm very good at it,” Felicity said.
"I spent so many years studying and travelling. I’ve worked in restaurants in lots of different cities, trying the local dishes and learning about the produce. I’d be happy to help you out if you’re ever interested in learning more,” Greer said kindly.
“I'd love that.” Felicity beamed at Greer.
Where Justin was reserved and introverted, Felicity was assertive and self-confident but his love for his sister was evident in the proud smiles he bestowed on her.
Mark joined them, handing Justin a bottle of beer. “How did the packing go today?”
Justin's reply was polite and friendly as usual. “I got a lot done, thanks to these helpers.” He motioned to Freya and Felicity. "Thanks for the boxes.”
“That was all Freya; she knows where everything is around this place,” her father replied. “If I can steal you away from these lovely ladies, there are some people who would like to meet you.”
Justin turned and glanced at Freya, as though hoping for a cue as to his next move. She gave him her permission with a smile and nod.
For a few seconds, he held her stare, before breaking away to follow her father.
“He'll be okay.” Greer leaned in close. “You can't have them all to yourself, all the time.”
Freya was about to admonish her sister for saying such things in front of Felicity when she realised Felicity wasn't there anymore. She glanced around anxiously.
Greer gestured to where Justin's sister was now talking animatedly to Nina. “That Felicity is quite a character.”
“She sure is. Certainly less reserved than her brother.”
“You really like him.”
Freya felt her cheeks reddening. “Is it that obvious?”
“It is to me. Then again, I know you better than anyone.”
"I've never felt like this before.”
“Really? Ever?”
“No. This time it’s different.”
“He seems very nice. Genuine. I just don't want you to get your heart broken when he goes back to the city.”
“I know, but Brisbane’s not that far. Maybe it could work.”
Greer shrugged. “I do think he's attracted to you. I mean, look at the way he keeps glancing over here.”
Freya turned towards him and their eyes connected. It was only for a moment, but it felt significant.
“You know I’ll always tell you to follow your heart. If you can find someone you want to be with, then that's great, and you should try to make it work.”
“It's not too late for you, Greer. You'll find someone.” Freya hugged her sister and sent up a silent prayer that she would find happiness soon.
“I know. I just hope that when I finally meet the man of my dreams my ovaries won't have shrunken entirely. Did you know a woman's fertility decreases significantly after the age of twenty-eight?”