"Parmigiana. You know, crumbed chicken schnitzel with cheese and tomato sauce. Fridays are pretty much Greer’s only night off."
Mark nodded in agreement. "Even with all her experience, Greer still won't try to compete with the Bunya Bar when it comes to parmy night."
"Why would she want to give up her night off though, really." Freya adored her sister. She worked so hard and was so talented.
Justin chuckled. "I haven't had a good parmy in years."
"Great. I'll see you tonight then." Mark waved before turning down the path that led towards the milking shed, where the cows would be lining up ready for their afternoon milking.
Justin's gold-flecked hazel eyes held hers, and he spoke quietly. "Your family are great. I really like them."
Nerves skittered in her stomach. "Yeah, they are, and they like you too."
They continued up the path until Nutmeg came into view. She was quietly grazing in her paddock, just where Freya had left her that morning. "I was thinking that if you had grown up here, you probably would have learned how to ride a horse."
Justin looked at her with a furrowed brow. "Who says I don't know how to ride a horse?"
She rounded on him. "Do you?"
He laughed and shook his head. "No, I don't. But I know how to ride a bike, so it can't be that much harder, right?"
"Yeah, it's kind of different." She nodded before laughing. "Are you up to the challenge?"
He straightened. "Are you?"
She raised one eyebrow at him. "I am."
It didn't take long to saddle up Nutmeg, who dozed quietly as Freya tightened the girth and altered the stirrup length. After putting on the bridal, she handed Justin a helmet and waited for him to put it on.
"Okay, left foot in the stirrup and then lift yourself up," Freya said, turning the stirrup slightly, so he could angle his foot into it.
He tried but didn't get enough muscle behind the movement and ended up sliding back down the saddle, rather ungracefully.
She bit her lip so she wouldn't laugh at him. "That's okay—you've never done this before. Try again."
He repeated the process and this time managed to swing his leg up and over the back of the saddle. Before long he was sitting nervously astride her horse. She showed him how to hold the reins before gathering up the lead rope and urging the horse forward.
"Okay up there?" she asked when he remained silent.
Freya turned her neck and watched him. "Straighten your back and try to relax."
He did as she said, and after a few minutes he started to look more comfortable.
He looked good. Not just good—hot. She had always had a thing for guys on horseback.
Freya led Nutmeg around the paddock at an easy gait. She could feel Justin’s confidence growing with each step. "You're starting to get the hang of this."
"It's actually really fun. Beats mountain-bike riding—probably won't hurt as much tomorrow either."
"I don't know if that's true. If I go even a week without riding, I feel it the next day."
"Have you always liked horses?"
"Oh yeah. I was the kid who did pony club instead of ballet. I never competed seriously, but I loved being able to hang out with my best mate." She scratched Nutmeg behind the ear, just where the horse liked it. "Do you want to have a go by yourself?"
"Is that safe? Will you show me how?"