He turned when he heard her approaching. "Maleny's history is so interesting. I had no idea."
"I know. As a child I had no interest at all, but it's part of what makes this town so great." She put the platter and wine on the table and poured them each a glass. She handed him one. "Since you're not driving anywhere tonight."
They clinked their glasses together and took a swallow before sitting at the table to enjoy the cheese. She pointed out what was what, then cut him off a piece and handed it to him.
He groaned. "This is so good. Between this and your sister’s cooking, how on earth do you stay so slim?"
She laughed. "Trust me, it's not easy."
"Well, whatever you're doing, keep doing it." His voice was honey smooth; she hadn't noticed the velvet tones yesterday. Heat rose up her neck, and a tingle coursed through her body.
She cut him another sample and their fingers brushed as she handed it to him.
She sucked in a breath as her gaze fell to his mouth. She wanted so badly to kiss him, to feel his lips on her mouth. On her body.
He leaned forward, and she could smell the fruity wine on his breath. He was so close. "Freya."
The door to the room burst open as a group of Japanese tourists entered, chatting noisily.
The moment broken, Freya leaned back and laughed. Justin squirmed slightly in his chair before joining her, laughing.
The afternoon sun warmed her as they left the factory. Freya let her hand brush Justin's briefly and when he didn't object, she slipped her fingers between his. The grin he sent her made her heart thump so loud she was surprised he couldn't hear it.
She led him down the path marked ‘private’. She wanted to share things with him, experience things with him, do things with him.
"Where are you taking me?" He had a lightness in his voice.
She squeezed his hand, enjoying the feel of his touch. "You'll see."
He signed. "There is something about this place. It's almost magical."
Freya breathed in deeply, the scent of wisteria filling the air. "Do you believe in magic?"
He shook his head before turning to her. "At least, I didn't."
"Hello," her father's voice called from further down the path.
"Hi, Dad."
"Afternoon, Mr Montgomery." Justin moved to release her hand but she squeezed it and held him still.
She didn't care if her dad saw them holding hands. Her father wouldn't mind her being with Justin. He was very open-minded about letting people love whoever they wanted and be whoever they wanted. Her mother was the same, and she was proud of their modern, unprejudiced views. If only more people were like them.
Besides, she already knew how much they liked Justin. After dinner, they hadn't stopped speaking his praises. Who wouldn't like Justin, after all? With his mild manners and easy conversation, he was just the sort of man most parents would be thrilled to welcome into a family.
"I would have thought you had gone back to Brisbane by now," Mark said. Although his gaze flickered over their intertwined fingers, he didn't mention it.
"I was packing things up when I got the call about your offer. I'm just doing due diligence."
"Not a problem. These things have to go through the right channels, after all. We're here when you're ready."
Justin smiled at Mark, and her father shook his hand warmly. "You should come over to the pub tonight. All the locals will be there for our regular Friday night dinner and trivia."
"Oh yeah, you must," Freya said enthusiastically. "It's parmy night at the Bunya Bar."
"Parmy?" He shot her a quizzical look.