Page 94 of Bet On Me, Daddy

And if she felt a little out of breath, it was just from the running. Maybe a little bit of Beckett. Nothing else.


Clink!Clink! Clink!

Beaming at the group around her, Lottie lowered her glass. “Thank you all for making it to the first official Duvall-Elliott Wedding Planning Meeting. I’ve asked you all here today because I value your opinions and because I have something very special to ask you. If you look under your seat, there’s a little present for you.”

Confused, but doing her best not to show it, Ruby shifted to grab the expensive-looking gift bag under her seat. Sneaking a look at the women around her, she pulled the gift box free and sat it on the table in front of her.

“Oh my god!” It was Ivy who squealed first, bouncing excitedly in her seat beside Cordelia. “Yes, yes, I would love to be your bridesmaid!”

Nerves twisted in Ruby’s stomach as she slowly pried open the lid. All around her, equally enthusiastic exclamations came from the other women as they each opened their boxes. There were, if Ruby wasn’t mistaken, even a few tears from Frankie as she accepted her position as Lottie’s maid-of-honor.

“Ifyou have time,” Lottie said, tears slipping down her own cheeks as the friends embraced. “I know you’ll be busy with med school and everything, so if it’s too much just let me know.”

“I’m sure it won’t be a problem.” Frankie smiled and waved a hand as if batting away Lottie’s concerns. “You have to make time for what matters, right?”

Once again, Ruby was left wondering how Frankie had time for med school and as much socializing as she did. But she didn’t want to rock the boat on Lottie’s special day, so she kept her concerns to herself.

“Okay, but you have topromiseyou’ll tell me if it’s too much. I know how you are, Francesca.” Lottie narrowed her eyes in a decent imitation of what Ruby thought of as Cordelia’s ‘Domme look’ but somehow it didn’t have the same impact.

“Pinky promise. But it won’t be too much. I know how to handle my shit, Lottie-baby.”

“We’ll all help,” Ivy chimed in, holding a gorgeous emerald-green silk pajama shirt to her cheek with a sigh. “We’re all in this together.”

That seemed to appease both Lottie and Frankie, who grinned at Ivy as she gushed over the silky material in her hand.

Considering that a crisis averted, Ruby took a deep breath and opened her box all the way. And stared.

When Charlotte Duvall decided to do something, she did itright.

Inside were the emerald pajamas Ivy was still sighing over, with Ruby’s name embroidered on the front pocket in gold thread. A personalized cup, again with her name in gold, along with everything one might need for a sleepover.

And there, nestled in the middle, was a familiar blue box. Picking it up with trembling hands, Ruby slipped the white ribbon free and opened the box, a gasp escaping her lips when she saw the silver hearts carefully placed on the white satin lining.

“Lottie… this is too much. I can’t accept this.”

“Of course you can,” Lottie said with a wave of her hand. “It’s a gift.”

An expensive gift. Away-too-expensive gift. The kind that came with invisible strings, whether the giver meant to attach them or not. “But… you barely know me. What about your other friends?”

The look Lottie pinned her with was the epitome of withering. “I talked to Eva and Portia already. They’ll be here for the wedding but they won’t be around enough to really help with wedding planning. So they’ll be in the party on the big day and they’ll probably make it in for the bachelorette party, but that’s probably it. As for you and I, we’ve worked together for months. And you hid me from Daddy,andyou even got your ass publicly caned for it. As far as I’m concerned, we’re besties for life.”

“Hey!” Frankie exclaimed, doing her best to look offended. “What am I, chopped liver?”

“Oh, hush.” Rolling her eyes, Lottie gave her friend a playful shove. “You know nobody could replace you. But you have to admit, Ruby is pretty freaking awesome.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Turning to Ruby, Frankie wagged a finger in her direction. “But I’m watching you, Red.”

The playful nickname had Ruby snorting out a laugh. “Your hair literally looks like someone lit a flame on your head and you’re callingme‘Red’?”

“Takes one fiery redhead to know one.”

“Fair enough.”

Looking back down at the gorgeous box in front of her, Ruby smiled and carefully plucked an earring from the white satin. She caught Lottie’s gaze as she held it up, letting the silver glitter under the lights. “Thank you, Lottie. They’re beautiful.”

As the conversation shifted to wedding plans—a Christmas wedding, Lottie said, hence the green pajamas—Ruby snuck another peek at the earrings she’d been gifted.