It was a compromise, and one she didn’t mind making since she wasn’t really in the mood for a scene.
Beckett still didn’t seem convinced, however. “You come straight home with me, and it’s a deal.”
That honestly made the most sense, seeing as how she still had to return his car, anyway. “I’ll need to run home and pack a bag. I’m meeting Lottie and the girls for brunch in the morning and I haven’t picked out an outfit.”
“If you’re still sick in the morning, you’re not going.”
No way in hell was she letting her new friends down by bailing on the first outing she’d been invited to. But that fight could wait until morning. “Yes, Sir.”
The honorific clearly went a long way toward soothing his ruffled feathers, judging by the way his shoulders relaxed and his usual teasing smile returned. “Good girl. I’ll be at that table right over there, keeping an eye on you. Yell if you need me.”
“I will.” Leaning over the bar, she tilted her face up, inviting him to kiss her. “Thank you for worrying. I promise I’m okay.”
“You better be. Because Daddy or not, I refuse to stand around and watch you kill yourself for this job. Am I making myself clear, Ruby?”
So she’d just have to make sure he didn’t see how exhausted she was. No problem. “Crystal.”
“Good girl. The second your shift is over, we’re out of here.”
Yes, Daddy.Everything in her ached to say it. But she’d been the one to lay down this particular boundary, so it was her job to uphold it.
Forcing a smile to hide her pain, she nodded. “Sounds good to me.”
Being pampered by Beckett was definitely one of the high points of letting him play Daddy. After her shift, he’d taken her back to his house—letting her drive his car back for him after a long, heated debate that had nearly ended with her over his knee—where he’d promptly ordered her into her pajamas so she could relax. A cup of soup and a grilled cheese and turkey sandwich later, and she’d definitely been feeling better.
And that was all before the bubble bath.
Even when she’d been with her first Dom, she’d never been spoiled like this. It was definitely something she could get used to, if she wasn’t careful. A fact she kept in mind as he continued to fuss over her the next morning as she got ready for brunch.
“Seriously, Beckett, I feel much better. I think I was just overtired yesterday.”
Leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded, Beckett watched her move around the bathroom, a frown tugging at his lips. “You still sound congested.”
“I’m a little stuffy, but nothing major. And the headache is gone, which was the big thing yesterday.” Mostly gone, anyway. But she knew damn well if she told him she was still in anypain at all that he’d make her stay home. And if it came down to risking a punishment from him or disappointing Lottie, she’d take the spanking any day.
Still looking unconvinced, he stepped into the bathroom and laid the back of his hand against her forehead. “You feel warm.”
“Because I just got out of the shower. The very hot shower you made me take because ‘the steam will be good for you’. Remember?”
“I do.”
Fighting the urge to sigh, she turned and placed her hands on his cheeks, meeting his concerned gaze head on. “I promise if I start to feel bad again, I will immediately call you to pick me up. And even if I try to tough it out, I’m sure Cordelia will call you.”
“Good point. I’ll be sure to ask her to keep an eye on you.”
Well, shit. That wasn’t at all what she’d intended. But if it made him worry less while she was out, then she was willing to let Delia hover a bit.
Outside, a horn honked at the same time her phone buzzed on the nightstand. “That’s Lottie. I have to work super early tomorrow, so I’ll probably go home this afternoon. I’ll see you at the club tomorrow?”
“Can’t.” Though Beckett pulled a face, excitement glittered in his eyes. “I’ve got a big dinner meeting tomorrow night. Tuesday?”
“I work the late shift.” Hiding her disappointment with a bright smile, she rose up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. “We’ll figure it out. See you round, Bex.”
Her sass earned her a hard swat to the ass as she scurried away, and she laughed as she raced down the front steps to Lottie’s car.