“Yes, Sir. Five times, just like you asked.”
The fierce pride that flashed in his eyes made every second of discomfort she’d just faced worth it. “That’s my good fucking girl. I can’t wait to reward you when I finally get you back in my bed.”
Heat flared between her thighs and she nearly moaned at the ache that came roaring back to life at his words. It was going to be a long fucking meal.
Dinner was an exercise in patience.Everything in him was screaming at him to get her the fuck out of there, to get her in her bed, where she belonged, so he could fuck them both senseless.
But watching Ruby squirm on the bench across from him, the blush she’d been sporting when she’d returned from thebathroom never quite leaving her cheeks was its own reward in the meantime. One he intended to enjoy for as long as possible.
And so he dragged out their meal, asking her questions about herself as they ate. Where she’d grown up, how many siblings she had, what kind of extracurriculars she’d been involved in at school.
She’d lived in Charleston her entire life, he learned. The only child of two doting parents who’d moved out west for her father’s job. She missed them, it was clear to see, but for the most part she seemed to have accepted having them so far away. From the answers she gave, he could have been convinced she’d lived a perfectly normal, uneventful life.
Until he asked about college.
Her eyes, which always told him so much, went completely blank. “I didn’t go to college.”
Interesting. “Were you just not interested?”
“I was.”
Clearly, this was a topic she didn’t want to discuss. And yet, he couldn’t help but press. “Then why didn’t you go?”
“I just didn’t,” she snapped, stabbing at the salad she’d ordered in place of fries with such ferocity he nearly winced. “Please drop it.”
“All right. Dropping it.” Because it wasn’t any of his business. Even if he was playing Daddy for the night, he had no right to dig up an obviously very painful part of his past.
No matter how much he was dying to do exactly that.
“Sorry.” Setting her fork down with a quiet sigh, Ruby lifted her gaze to meet his, and now those brown depths were anything but blank. They were filled with grief, and his heart shattered at the sight of it. “It’s… still a very touchy subject for me. I’d rather not discuss it, if that’s alright with you. Sir.”
“Of course. What would you like to talk about instead?”
The blush on her cheeks darkened as her lips curved up. “Actually… I think I’m all done talking, Sir.”
His cocked jerked painfully in his pants, letting him know he’d dragged things out long enough. “I think I am, too. Let’s go home, Ruby Red.”
With one hand resting on Ruby’s thigh, Beckett headed back toward Charleston. And when Ruby squeezed her legs together, a soft whimper escaping her lips, he grinned.
“Something wrong, baby?”
“You know exactly what’s wrong, you sadist.”
Stroking the worn denim of her jeans with the tips of his fingers, he glanced over at her. “I would have thought you would be a bit more respectful under the circumstances, little girl.”
“Sorry. It’s, um, just been a long day.”
“I’m sure it has.” He let his fingers drift just a little higher, closer to where he knew damn well she was still soaking fucking wet for him. “I’d be a bit cranky too if I had to spend all day on edge, waiting for permission to come. But you’ve been such a good, patient girl for me, Ruby. So I’m going to let you choose.”
“Choose what?”
“Where I fuck you when I get you back in my bed. Ass or pussy, Ruby? What’s it gonna be?”