“Yes, Sir.”
“That’s my girl.”
Ruby wasa delightful study in contradictions. She wanted to be a brat, to push the envelope and test boundaries, but the way she blushed so prettily when he put his foot down was such a lovely contradiction to her usual bold, bratty persona.
It reminded him of how she’d been when he’d put her on restriction at the club, and he wondered how many more ways he could find to tap into that sweet, submissive side of her.
His mind went to work on the problem while they selected their meals and placed their orders. With the distraction of the menus gone, he folded his hands on the table and turned all of his attention to the woman across from him.
“Do you have your phone with you?”
Ruby blinked, her confusion clear on her face. “Um, yes. Why?”
“Because you’re going to need it. But before I tell you why you’re going to need it, I want to be very clear that you can safeword out of the order I’m about to give you if it’s outside your limits. Are we clear, Ruby?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“All right.” He’d already scanned the restaurant, noting that it was relatively empty and there was nobody seated at the tables closest to them, so he felt comfortable he wouldn’t be overheard especially if he kept his voice low. “Here’s what I want from you, Ruby Red. Go into the bathroom, lock yourself in a stall, and pull your jeans and panties down. Then I want you to touch yourself. I want you to stroke that pretty little pussy, until you’re ready to come. And then I want you to stop. You are to take yourself to the edge five times, but you arenotallowed to come.”
As he’d been giving her his instructions, her eyes had slowly grown wider and wider, the pupils blowing out with a mixture of fear and desire he found more intoxicating than the finest wine. “What if someone hears me?”
“It’s your responsibility to make sure you aren’t discovered.”
The blush he was coming to crave like a drug crept into her cheeks as she shifted on her seat. “Why do I need my phone?”
“I’m glad you asked.” Leaning in, he let a smile curve his lips. “You’re going to record yourself doing this. Each time you get to the edge and pull yourself back, you will count for me. ‘One, Sir. Two, Sir.’ So on and so forth. Once you’ve reached five, you may get dressed and send me the video.”
“You’re not going to watch it here, right? And you won’t share it with anyone?”
“No, baby. This is all for your Daddy’s pleasure. Nobody else’s.”
“Okay.” Nibbling on her bottom lip, she seemed to get lost in thought. “What if I refuse?”
“That depends. If you refuse because what I’ve asked you is well outside your limits and you need to safeword, we’ll table the idea and enjoy a nice meal together, as planned.”
“And if I refuse because I’m a brat and I like to see that muscle in your jaw jump when I tell you ‘No’?”
Ah, so he had a tell of his own. Good to know. “Then when we get home, I will tie you to my bed, andIwill be the one to take you right to the edge without letting you come. And I promise you, I won’t stop at five.”
He waited, one heartbeat, then two, watching her struggle with whether to obey. “So what’s it going to be, Ruby Red? Are you going to be a good girl and send Daddy that video? Or will I have to get mean?”
Another long silence stretched between them before she nodded. “I’ll do it.”
“Good girl. Go now. And don’t forget your phone.”
Heart pounding against her chest, Ruby scooched out of the booth, her phone clutched in her hand as she made her way to the bathroom.
Except… she didn’t know where the bathroom was in this place. Which meant she’d have to ask someone.