“Holy shit, really? They must be desperate.”
“Actually, she raved about you. Said you were the hardest worker they’d had in years and she practically begged me to call you when I said you usually only fill in for us as needed. I know you’ve got that job at the coffee shop, but this would only be three days a week to start, so maybe you could work it around your schedule there.”
Already her mind was whirling, trying to figure out how to make it work. “What would my hours be?”
“Nine to four. Subject to change if they decide to bring you on full time.”
That could actually work. Jay always had trouble getting people to open since those shifts started so early. She could still go in, open the store, and work for a solid four hours before heading over to the office job like she had yesterday.
Daddy won’t like that.
Ignoring the voice in her head, she asked, “What are they offering for pay?”
The number Jacqueline rattled off nearly had Ruby running her car off the road in shock. “And that’s perhour?” she managed to squeak out.
“Yes. I told you, they’re a bit desperate and I’ve been telling them for months they need to offer more competitive wages. Guess they’re finally listening to me.”
Even at three days a week that would give her a hell of a lot more breathing room in her budget than she currently had. “I’m in. When do I start?”
“I don’t suppose there’s any possible way you can head over today?”
“I can if they’re okay with me being there closer to eleven.”
“I’ll double-check, but I’m sure that’ll be fine. Thanks, Ruby! They’re going to be so excited to have you on board.”
“Tell them I’m excited, too.”Mostly for a steady paycheck.But she wasn’t crass enough to say that part out loud.
They said their goodbyes and ended the call just as Ruby turned onto her street. And for the first time in a very long time, it felt like everything was finally going her way.
Getting Ruby off his mind during the day was becoming a bit of a problem. No matter where he was, what he was doing, she was just… there. Hovering at the back of his consciousness with that mischievous little smile.
She was with him through his morning meetings. Through his sit-down with Jonas to go over The Dragon’s end-of-year numbers to ensure there was nothing in there that would upset her, although there was alwayssomethingshe found to pick on.
And now, when he should be going through the pile of emails Sonja had screened for him, instead he found himself staring out a window, thinking about Ruby. About seeing her again. Taking her somewhere expensive for dinner where he could spoil her a bit.
Would she enjoy being spoiled? After her reaction to the tip he’d left, he wasn’t sure.
Maybe somewhere nice, but not too nice, then. Somewhere she would feel comfortable. Somewhere she could relax.
As he was mulling over his options, his phone buzzed on his desk, distracting him from Ruby for the time being. His interest piqued when he saw the name on the screen and he hitthe button to answer the call. “Holden. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I’m calling to hold up my end of the bargain.” Holden’s tone was undeniably smug. “I have no idea what you did last night, but Frankie was actually halfway cordial with me at the club.”
“Yup. So whatever’s going down with you and Ruby, it’s working. I called Preston this morning and you have a face-to-face meeting with him next Monday at 8 pm. Dinner at The Magnolia Parlor. I didn’t think you’d mind me scheduling on your behalf.”
Excitement pounding through his veins, it was all Beckett could do to keep himself from jumping up from his chair and fist-pumping the airBreakfast Clubstyle. “I’ll make it work. I owe you big time for this, man.”
“Don’t worry about it. Even if Frankie hadn’t come around, I would have done it for you. What are friends for?”
“Thanks. Seriously. When we have Preston Kingsley all wrapped up in a shiny red bow, I am buying you the biggest, most expensive bottle of whiskey I can get my hands on, legally or not.”
Holden’s laughter roared through the speaker. “I bet Killian could lend you a hand either way.”