Page 56 of Bet On Me, Daddy

After that, the conversation shifted. And as she listened to Ice’s stories about their tours and Silver’s anecdotes about their high school years—carefully leaving Ace out of the picture, Ruby noticed—Ruby tried to convince herself she’d imagined whatever weird reaction she’d thought Beckett had earlier.

Daddy in the club. Nowhere else. That was what they’d both agreed. No reason for her to think he wanted anything more.




He was feeling prickly again.

Not because he’d dropped this time. But because he’d sent Ruby home last night without taking her down to the pit. After finding out she hadn’t taken theone day off a monthshe apparently afforded herself, he’d sent her home after they’d finished their meal with Ice and Silver.

He’d be damned if he was part of the reason she ran herself into the ground.

Ruby had pouted about it at the time. But he’d promised her a flogging and lots of orgasms tonight if she listened and that had seemed to mollify her. Bribery wasn’t his usual style, but threatening her with a punishment pushed the limits of their agreed- upon dynamic, so he’d had to get creative.

Unfortunately for him, that had meant going home alone and spending another sleepless night wondering about her. Worrying about her.

And another morning feeling like a prickly bastard.

Opening the door to Charleston Brews, he stepped inside and for a moment he was torn between relief and disappointment when he didn’t see her behind the counter.

Relief, because she needed the rest.

Disappointment because as much as he tried to tell himself he just really enjoyed the coffee here, the truth was he had a perfectly good espresso machine at home if he was really in the mood for something more than just black coffee.

God, he was pathetic.

Then he heard it. Her laugh, loud and wild, a moment before she stepped out of the back and swapped places with the brunette who’d been behind the register when he’d walked in.

His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her. Literally stopped in his chest for a moment, and he swore time slowed as she tossed her hair over her shoulder and flashed a smile for the next customer.

He hadn’t known his heart could do that. Even though he’d been in love before, the kind of love he’d expected to last forever, it had never felt quite like this. That first time had been comfortable, easy. Like a favorite pair of jeans that fit perfectly every time.

Ruby was the opposite of comfortable. Or easy. And he wasn’t sure exactly what to make of her, or his own complicated feelings.

It wasn’t love. Couldn’t be, because that was just asking for trouble.

But it was something more than lust, that was for damn sure.

What it was, really, was messy. Just like Ice had said.


Ruby glanced up from her screen, her gaze landing on him, and the change in her was instant. Her entire face lit up, as if from the inside out, and she gave him a little wave.

It seemed to take an eternity for the two people in front of him to place their orders. But then it was his turn, and Ruby’s smile widened as she greeted him.

“Good morning. How may I brighten your day, Sir?”

“Morning, Ruby Red. Did you get enough sleep last night?”

He didn’t think he would ever tire of her blush, or how unexpectedly easy it was to put that flush in her cheeks. “Yes,” she replied, dropping her voice for only him, despite her coworkers doing their best to listen in while pretending they weren’t eavesdropping. “As much as it pains me to say, you were right. I was way too tired to… you know, last night.”

Daddy knows best. The worst burned on his tongue, but he held them back. Not only would it be wildly inappropriate to say that to her at her workplace, he wasn’t Daddy here.

Which was how he wanted it, he reminded himself as he forced a smile. “Good.”