Ice met Beckett’s gaze across the table, a smile twitching at his lips. “What’s that mean, babygirl?”
As if she suddenly realized what she’d said, Silver froze, her eyes going wide. “Uh… nothing. Just, you know, I don’t think Holden actually realizes how much of a brat Frankie actually is.”
Two soft taps on Beckett’s thighs pulled his attention away from the scene unfolding across from him and down to where Ruby was sitting on the floor, watching him. “Do you need to ask me something, sweetheart?”
She nodded, her auburn hair bouncing with the movement, the red catching fire under the lights and his heart tripped in his chest.
“Tell Daddy what you need.”
Pleasure lit her eyes. “I need to use the bathroom. Please.”
“Thank you for asking so politely. But just to the bathroom and back again. If I catch you stopping to chat, there will be consequences.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Grabbing her chin between his fingers, he forced her head back, drinking in the little flash of fear in her eyes. “Who am I right now, Ruby?”
That blush he so adored slashed across her cheeks. “Daddy.”
“Good girl. So when I give you an order, what should your response be?”
“Yes… Daddy.”
“Much better. You may go to the bathroom now.”
Silver slid from the booth as Ruby rose to her feet with a wince, grabbing Ruby’s arm to help balance her. “I need the ladies’ room, too.”
Which likely meant they’d be talking the whole way. But Ruby really had taken her punishment so well, he was inclined to give her some leeway. “All right. But the same rules apply.”
“And Silver?” Ice arched a brow when the girls paused to look over at him. “If you help Ruby break the rules, you’ll be included in any punishments she earns. Understood?”
Silver wrinkled her nose, but in the end she nodded. “Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Go on. And hurry back.” Now Ice’s lips curved up in a wicked grin. “I’ve been waiting all night to get my hands on you.”
With a pair of girlish giggles, the pair headed for the bathroom. When they were out of hearing distance, Ice fixed his too-knowing gaze on Beckett. “So… You’re Daddy now, huh?”
“Just at the club,” Beckett reminded him.
“Right, right. And in what universe, exactly, do you think that’s not going to lead to really messy fucking feelings? Because it sure as hell isn’t this one.”
“I know what I’m doing.”
Ice shook his head. “All right. But just know, if you hurt her, you’re going to have half the damn club to answer to.”
“It’s fine. I have it all under control.”
“Sure, you do. Because it’s not like she’s the first woman you’ve caught feelings for in… what? Several years?”
“Caring about her isn’t the same thing as catching feelings.”
Reaching for another stuffed mushroom, Ice rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. “Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, you know.”
“Whatever. Neither of us is looking for anything serious, and we’ve set very clear boundaries. No muss, no fuss, as they say.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of Ice’s mouth. “I’ve got a thousand bucks that says you go crashing through those boundaries in under a week.”
It was a paltry sum of money for either of them, but the thrill of the challenge still ran hot in Beckett’s veins. “You’re on.”