Page 49 of Bet On Me, Daddy

Get it together, Stone. She’s probably just busy.

“Whoa, whoa, hey. You okay, Beckett?” Lottie’s concerned voice jolted him out of his spiraling thoughts and back to the present.

“Yes. Sorry, just… zoned out for a second.” Glancing down at his watch, he grimaced at the placement of the hands. He still had another fifteen minutes before she was due to show up. “She’s supposed to meet me here at seven. I suppose we’llhave our answer then.” At which point he had every intention of impressing on her the importance of not worrying the people who cared about her.

“Oh, perfect! I’m going to grab us some food, then. I’mstarving,” Lottie exclaimed with even more than her usual dramatics as she slipped from the booth. “You want some of those burnt ends we had the other day, Frankie?”

“I’m not really hungry.” The edges of Frankie’s smile were tight. “So get whatever you want.”

Lottie’s eyes narrowed for a moment, but then her expression cleared, leaving him wondering if he’d imagined her response as she flashed him a bright smile. “Any requests, Bex?”

Oh, absolutely not. It had been bad enough when Ruby had used that nickname to taunt him in a scene. He was damn well not going to have the whole club using it. “That isnotmy name, Charlotte.”

He’d put just enough steel behind the response to have red flooding Lottie’s cheeks. “Sorry. But, um, I should probably warn you it’s catching on.”

“Is it, now? Well you can let your fellow brats know that if I catchthemusing that nickname, it will be Ruby’s ass paying the price.”

“That’s not fair!”

“Seems entirely fair to me.” Not only because it was actually Ruby’s fault the nickname was catching on, but hopefully her fellow submissives would likely feel guilty enough about getting her in trouble to stop using it. If not, it gave him an excuse to punish his naughty brat.

Win-win for him, yet again.

“Ugh,fine. Doms always ruin all our fun,” Lottie grumbled, turning on her heel to stomp away.

That was one crisis averted. Now, if he could just lay eyes on his Ruby, he’d be a very satisfied Daddy indeed.



She should have taken the day off.

It wasn’t even that working at the office Jacqueline sent her to had been hard, really, it was just new. And new meant learning all the things everyone who’d been there for a while took for granted. Like where to find the copy machine, how to use certain programs on the computer. So that by the time she’d left at nearly six in the evening, her brain was feeling completely fried. If she hadn’t already promised Beckett she would meet him at the club, she would have begged off completely.

But she had promised, and if she was being honest with herself, she was looking forward to letting him play Daddy for the evening. Especially if that meant letting him fuss over her and pamper her a bit.

Or even if it just meant getting strapped to something while he flogged and fucked all the tension from her body.

She was good either way, really.

Unfortunately for her, not leaving until six meant she was pushing it to get to the club by seven. She barely had time to wash off her day and throw on a cute emerald- green bodysuit and a pair of jeans before rushing out the door.

Her phone buzzed just as she was parking her car in the lot off the side of the club, and her heart leapt against her ribs when she saw the message from him.


You’re late, little girl.

Apparently he was taking his ‘Daddy in the club’ role very seriously.

Thank god.

Without bothering to respond, she tucked her phone into her purse and headed for the club. The familiar excitement of doing something ‘naughty’ coursed through her veins as she stashed her purse in her locker and made her way upstairs with a wave for Vivian, their rainbow-haired receptionist. Her hair was a vivid green today, which Ruby imagined would have made anyone else look like a stalk of broccoli but Vivian somehow managed to pull it off.

She found Beckett at a table with Lottie and Frankie, both of whom were laughing loudly at something Beckett had just said. It took her a moment to identify the twisting in her gut as jealousy, which was stupid because Lottie was madly in love with her fiancé and Frankie was… well, Frankie loved to flirt, but there was no danger there since Holden’s general presence was enough to keep anyone from flirting back.

It was a bit uncomfortable to realize she didn’t know where Beckett would land in this scenario, though. Would he welcome the flirting? Would he want to scene with other women when he was playing Daddy?