Snuggling into him, she giggled. “If you’re making sandwiches, I like bologna.”
“Bologna? You can’t be serious.”
The note of pure horror in his voice teased a giggle out of her. “I am. Bologna is my favorite.” And some weeks it was all she could really afford, so it was a good thing she liked it.
“Sorry to disappoint, but there’s no bologna in this house. I don’t think I’ve ever evenhadbologna.”
Pressing a hand to his chest, she raised herself up to stare down at him. Now it was her turn to be horrified. “You mean you’ve never experienced the absolute culinary delight of a fried bologna sandwich?”
She nearly burst into laughter watching him struggle not to show how heactuallyfelt about her suggestion.
“I can’t say that I have.”
“Well, first chance we get, I’m going to rectify that.”
“That sounds… great.” Judging by his tone, it sounded the exact opposite of great. “For now, you’ll have to settle for mesquite turkey with chipotle aioli.”
“Fancy-pants Rich McGee over here.”
His brows drew together in clear confusion. “What?”
“It’s a social media… never mind. Turkey sounds great.”
“Good.” Rising from the bed, he crossed the room to a door, giving her the pleasure of seeing his rather exquisite body in all its glory before he disappeared into the closet. He returned a moment later and tossed her a giant fluffy white robe before pulling on a pair of gym shorts.
The wicked promise in the smile he flashed her as she bundled herself into the robe nearly drove her to her knees. “Food to refuel, and then I’m going to tie you to my bed and make you come so many times you forget your own name.”
Yes, Daddy.
Having Ruby in his space,wrapped in his robe as she wandered from his kitchen to his living room and back again, was… interesting.
She seemed curious about his home but not surprised, which in turn surprised him. Between her multiple jobs and the visceral reaction she’d had to the tip he’d left her, he’d assumed she didn’t come from money.
But seeing her now, studying the Jasper Hale painting on his wall with her head tilted to the side, a slight smile on her lips, he was questioning his own assumptions. She wasn’t reacting like someone who had never been exposed to wealth. She was reacting, instead, like someone who was very comfortable in his world.
Very interesting.
“Sandwiches are ready,” he said over his shoulder, pulling her attention away from the painting.
They settled at the breakfast nook in the corner of his kitchen, each with their own sandwich and glass of water. “You’re going to drink all of that before we go back to bed,” he said, nudging the glass closer to her.
Rolling her eyes, she raised the glass to her lips. “Tell me you’re a Daddy without telling me you’re a Daddy.”
Ignoring the way his stomach twisted at the word Daddy, he raised an eyebrow. “Any Dom worth his salt would want you to properly hydrate. Drink.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Good girl.”
Pink infused her cheeks, and he was beginning to think he might be addicted to the sight of her blush. They ate in silence for a bit, with her sipping at her water between bites, then glancing at him as if waiting for his approval. Which he happily gave with a smile or wink every time, making her blush even more.
Jesus she was adorable. And a mystery. This Ruby couldn’t be farther from the badass bartender he’d been spending time with over the past couple months, but he was enjoying her just the same.
“Can I ask you something?” she said suddenly, placing her half-eaten sandwich down.