“I doubt that, but thank you.”
Wrapping his fingers around her throat, again with that firm-but-gentle touch that promised retribution if she dared to defy him, he pulled her back against him. “Are you calling me a liar, little girl?”
There was just enough steel in his words to have her pausing, a sarcastic reply burning on her tongue. A reply she swallowed when his fingers tightened around her throat. “No, Sir.”
“Good.” Releasing his hold on her neck, he shifted away and a moment later she felt a tug as he pulled at the laces on her corset.
With every tug, the fire in her veins burned hotter, brighter. Until, by the time he pulled the corset from her, she thought she might actually burst into flames right there in his bedroom.
“Do these hurt?” he asked, his fingers tracing a groove left behind by the boning in the corset. There was something in his tone she could almost mistake as concern.
But that would require him feeling something for her, wouldn’t it? And he’d been very clear that wasnotwhat this was about.
“Not really.” She shrugged, looking over her shoulder to smile up at him reassuringly. “You don’t have to worry about me,Daddy.”
She’d meant for it to be a joke. A little something to lighten the mood.
It didn’t work.
One moment she was standing beside his bed, teasing him, and the next she was flat on her back with his body on top of her. With her wrists pinned to the mattress above her head while his free hand ran up the sensitive skin of her inner thigh to whereshe burned for him. Another tug, this time distinctly less gentle as he yanked her panties down her thighs, exposing her to him completely.
“You’re right about one thing, Ruby Red.” His words were a growl as he cupped her aching pussy and for a moment she thought she might die if he didn’t make her come soon. “If I were your Daddy, I wouldn’t be worrying about that stupid fucking corset. You know why?”
“Why?” The word came out as a cry, driven by the sudden burst of pleasure when his fingers speared her.
Working her furiously toward an orgasm, he tightened his hold on her wrists when she began to wriggle. “Because. If I was your Daddy, you wouldn’t be allowed to wear the damn thing. Because if I was your Daddy, the only marks on your body would be the onesIput there. Because if I was your Daddy, every fucking inch of this gorgeous body would belong to me. Come for me, Ruby. Now.”
She’d been teetering on the edge already, and the sharp command was all it took to send her flying. To send her careening over with a strangled cry as molten-hot pleasure poured through her veins.
Too stunned to move even when he released his hold on her, she lay on the bed, gasping for breath, vaguely aware of him moving around her.
Though she became keenly more aware when the bed dipped. When he nudged her thighs apart, the tip of his thick cock spreading her still-spasming pussy wide.
And then he was inside her. Caging her in with his arms as he fucked her, hard and fast, just the way she’d asked him to. There was a bite of pain as he claimed her for the first time, but the pain only made her wantmore.
“Sir, please.” Gripping the soft comforter beneath her in her fists, she arched up to meet his punishing thrusts. “Please.”
“Tell me what you want, Ruby. Use your words.”
How was she supposed to find words when she couldn’tthink? When he’d driven every rational thought from her brain with the delicious mix of pleasure and pain he was forcing on her? “Please,” she repeated on a sob, her head thrashing back and forth against the bed as he fucked her.
“Daddy can’t give you what you want if you don’t ask, Ruby.”
Alarm bells rang in the back of her mind, but they were quickly drowned out by pleasure and need and want. “I need to come!”
“Good girl.” Shifting his weight, he reached between them, and everything inside her fractured when he rolled his thumb over her swollen clit. “Come for me, Ruby. Let me feel that sweet pussy milking my cock when you come.”
Need coiled inside her, tighter and tighter with every touch, every thrust. Pain became pleasure, pleasure became pain, until she could no longer tell the difference between them.
Until, finally, she shattered. With her screams echoing off the walls of his bedroom, she came undone as the pleasure exploded inside her.
And with a final thrust, Beckett stilled inside her, his cock swelling as she spasmed around him, milking him just like he’d asked.
“Fuck, baby.” Groaning, he dropped his forehead to hers, their ragged breaths mingling as they each fought for air. “You feel even better than I imagined.”
The submissive part of her, the part that longed to please, preened at his praise. “Thank you, Sir.”
With a laugh, he collapsed beside her, pulling her into his arms and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “That wasn’t exactly what I had planned. Just need a few minutes to recover. Maybe a sandwich.”