Page 43 of Bet On Me, Daddy

“Good girl. Now, please finish telling me your limits so I can finally taste you.”

“Blindfolds.” Her bottom lip trembled, just for a moment before she caught herself. “I don’t mind being restrained and stuff, as long as I can see.”

Oh, baby. Who hurt you?

Because there was definitely hurt there. It was in her eyes, those deep pools that told him everything. Hurt, and fear. Not the delicious fear of a subbie who knew she’d messed up and she was going to pay the price. But a more primal sort of fear that made him want to find whoever had put that haunted look in her eyes and rip out their throat with his bare hands.

For now, he settled for gentle reassurance, running the pads of his thumbs over her cheekbones. “Thank you for being honest with me. Is there anything else?”

“I don’t like having my mouth and nose covered. I can handle a little choking but not feeling like I’m being smothered.”

“Do you like choking?”

“Not particularly. It’s not a limit but it’s never really done anything for me, either.”

Sliding a hand down to her throat, he let his fingers rest there. Not cutting off her air, simply holding her, feeling her heartbeat against his palm. “How about this?”

He didn’t need the verbal confirmation. Not with the ways her pupils widened, the black nearly erasing the brown he enjoyed so much as she sucked in a sharp breath. “This is good.”

“You are being such a good girl for me, Ruby Red. Telling me all about your limits.” Dipping his head, he brushed a kiss over her full lips. “Letting me know what you don’t like… and what makes your pussy drip for me.”

Her breath caught and beneath his palm the muscles of her throat moved rapidly as she swallowed. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Do you know what good girls get, Ruby?”

“What, Sir?”

“Whatever they want,” he murmured against her lips. “Pain or pleasure, Ruby? Which one do you want from me tonight?”

“Pleasure, Sir. But, um…” She trailed off, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink.

“Tell me.”

“I want to be fucked hard. I-I like it when it hurts a little.”

“That, I can absolutely do. Turn around.”



Need pounded in her veins, so hot and demanding it made her ache as she slowly turned her back to Beckett.

“Good girl,” he praised, the words a whisper against her skin before his lips trailed down the side of her neck. “I am so looking forward to rewarding you, Ruby. But first, we need to get all these clothes off you. I want you naked, in my bed.”

Something twisted in her stomach, and she silently lectured herself not to read too much into his words. Any man in his right mind would want the woman he was about to fuck naked in his bed. There was nothing more to it than that.

More to the point, she didn’twantthere to be more to it than that. They were just here to scratch a mutual itch. That was it.

Just an itch.

An itch that was only getting worse as he slowly pushed her jacket down her arms, exposing her to the warm air. And to him.

Her corset suddenly seemed too tight, like she couldn’t get enough oxygen when she sucked in a breath. But she wasn’t sure it would have mattered if she’d already been naked, because the corset wasn’t the reason she couldn’t breathe.

No, that was all him.

“Sweet, beautiful Ruby,” he murmured, trailing his fingers along the skin he’d just bared. “You are the most stunning creature I’ve ever seen.”