Page 40 of Bet On Me, Daddy

Because he appreciated the fact that Ruby and the other girls had such a fierce protector in her, he swallowed his own annoyance. “We’re just having some fun.”

Tara’s eyes narrowed. “Doessheknow you’re just having some fun?”

“Yes. We’ve both been very clear about what we want from one another.” He gentled his tone. “I’m not looking to hurt her, Tara.”

“People get hurt all the time by people who don’t mean to.”

“Fair enough.” And because it was, he laid it out for her as well as he could. “But I promise I’m being as up-front with her as I know how to be, and I have made it clear I expect the same from her in return.”

For the first time in an hour, Tara’s expression eased. “She told you about her thing with money?”

“She asked me not to overtip her again, but she didn’t really explain why. Did she tell you something I should know?”

“It’s not really my place to say. Are you going to do what she asked?”

“Yes. Even if she’s not ready to tell me the why, the fact that she was honest with me and asked for what she needed is enough for me.”

“Good. I told her you would.” Tara gave a single, decisive nod before her gaze shifted to something behind Beckett. “Here comes our girl.”

A moment later, Ruby joined her behind the bar. “Sorry I was gone so long, I ran into Lottie in the bathroom and apparently she’s ready to start wedding planning and she wants me to join her and the other girls for brunch soon. To talk about her wedding.”

She looked and sounded so adorably confused, Beckett had to fight back a laugh. “That sounds like fun.”

“I guess? I’ve never really done anything like that before.”

“Never helped plan a wedding?” Wasn’t that like, a rite of passage or something?


There was more to her answer. He could hear it in her voice. A hint of…somethingthat instinct told him would answer a lot of the questions he deliberately hadn’t asked.

But that wasn’t any of his business, so he ignored the little niggle at the back of his brain. “Lottie will be thrilled to know she gets to pop your wedding cherry, then.”

“Haha.” Rolling her eyes, Ruby turned to Tara. “Ready to start closing things down?”

“Actually, I think I’m good here. You two go on ahead. Enjoy your night.”

Even in the dim light of the bar, Beckett could see the color blooming on Ruby’s cheeks and once again he found himself hiding his laughter at her obvious discomfort. “I can finish my shift.”

“Ruby.” Placing one hand on the bar and the other on her hip, Tara cocked an eyebrow. “If you don’t go clock out rightnow, I’m going to tell Master Beckett here to make sure you have a very uncomfortable ride to his house. Got it?”

“Beckett isn’t going to spank me just because you ask him to.” Ruby’s voice pitched up just slightly in a whine Beckett found ridiculously adorable.

“Maybe not,” Beckett said, pinning her with a look that had Ruby’s brows drawing together in a scowl. “But I will absolutely light your ass up for making me wait one second longer than necessary to get my mouth on your delicious pussy.”

“Oh mygod!” Face flaming as red as her name, Ruby threw her hands in the air. “You’re both impossible. Fine, I’m going. Give me like fifteen minutes to change.”

“You have five. Every minute over that is a minute longer you have to wait before I allow you to come tonight.”

With a frustrated screech, Ruby stormed off toward the locker room and Beckett looked over at Tara. “I assume you don’t have the same reservations as our Ruby about large tips?”

“Hello no,” Tara said with a laugh. “Pay my rent, Daddy.”

Chuckling, he signed off on his tab with a tip large enough to have Tara’s eyes going wide when she looked at it. He slid off his stool and made his way toward the locker rooms, with a quick glance at his phone.

Four minutes, and then Ruby was all his.