“I could force the truth out of you,” he said, his lips curving up in a wicked smile. “I could take you out to the pit, strap you to a cross and eat your sweet little pussy until you’re begging me to let you come. You’d crumble in no time.”
“So why don’t you?”
“I want the truth from you, but more than that I want you towantto be honest with me. Honesty matters to me, Ruby.”
Ugh. She could have held out if he’d demanded the truth. But that simple request for honesty cut right through her, straight to the core. Where she did, as he’d already noticed, genuinely desire to be a good girl.
To behisgood girl.
“I haven’t touched myself since our scene. Sir.”
The smile that lit his face might have driven her to her knees if he hadn’t been holding her up. “Good girl. Would you like your reward now or would you prefer to come home with me after your shift?”
Her body was screaming at her to get on with it already, but the offer to go home with him piqued her curiosity. They’d both already said they didn’t want anything serious.
So whatdidhe want?
“What does going home with you mean, exactly?”
“It means spending the night in my bed where I can properly worship this gorgeous body of yours the way it was meant to be worshiped.”
“The whole night?”
“Yes. Which is more a matter of logistics. You’ll be in no shape to drive once I’m through with you, Ruby Red.”
Need flared inside her, making her pussy clench instinctively. Tomorrow was one of her rare days off from all three of her regular jobs. And she had a change of clothes in the go bag she kept at the club on the off chance she did end up spending the night somewhere other than her house. So the logistics of it, as he’d said, were on her side.
It was just one night. It wasn’t like he’d proposed or something.
Just one night together, scratching a mutual itch. Nothing more.
“All right. I’ll come home with you tonight.”
He wasn’t a reckless man.And yet here he was, waiting around at the club for Ruby to finish her shift so he could take her home with him. To his space. Where he never took anyone.
Reckless. In more ways than one.
And yet.
He’d planted himself at the bar, nursing a single glass of whiskey for the past hour while he watched Ruby and Tara work. Ruby, for her part, was actually doing a decent job of pretending he didn’t exist.
Tara, on the other hand, hadn’t stopped shooting him sidelong glares from the moment he’d sat down. He could onlyassume Ruby had told her something about how he’d upset her today and she was feeling protective.
His instincts proved right when Ruby took a break to head for the ladies’ room and Tara planted herself in front of his seat at the bar, a look on her face that he imagined would make any submissive’s knees turn to jelly in an instant.
He admired that about her.
“Something on your mind, barkeep?” he asked, deliberately keeping his tone light and casual as he took another small sip of whiskey.
“What’s the deal with you and my Ruby?”
“Your Ruby?”
“She works for me, so she’s mine. Answer the question, Beckett.”