And yet, for the first time, he was tempted to break one of his own hard and fast rules. Watching Ivy lead Ruby away made his skin itch in ways he hadn’t felt in a very long time. He wanted nothing more than to scoop Ruby up and spend the rest of the night with her cradled on his lap, feeding her bits of chocolate while she recovered from their scene. To be the one to wipe away her tears while she cried in Daddy’s arms and he told her everything was okay.
Because the need was so strong, he deliberately turned away. The crowd that had been watching them was slowly dispersing, either making their way upstairs or wandering the pit, looking for another show to watch.
As the sea of people parted, Beckett’s gaze zeroed in on Ice, leaning against a back wall with his arms crossed and an expectant look on his face as Beckett approached.
“Enjoy the show?” Beckett asked, doing his best to keep his tone light despite the growing heaviness in his gut.
“I did. How are you feeling?”
That was a complicated question, and one Beckett didn’t really feel like digging into on the floor of the pit. “I’m feeling like I’d really love a drink.”
Eyes narrowed, Ice studied him with that unnerving, steady way he had before nodding sharply. “I had Braden save our table. I’ll buy us a round.”
In silence, they made their way up the stairs toward the table they’d snagged earlier in the evening. The location had been a deliberate choice on Ice’s part, as it gave him an unobstructed view of Silver and the other girls, while also giving her enough space to have their girl time without Daddy hovering.
But now it was just Lottie and Frankie at the table, both with uncharacteristically serious expressions on their faces as they spoke in hushed whispers.
Ice detoured slightly to stop by the table, and Lottie sat up straighter, a bright smile spreading across her face. “Gentlemen. Something we can do for you?”
“Where’s Silver?” Ice’s voice was tight with the leading edge of worry. “She’s supposed to be with you or me and she isn’t with me.”
“I’m right here, you big worrywart.” Stepping between Ice and Beckett, Silver titled her face up for a kiss. “I just needed the ladies’ room. We were together the whole time we were in the pit, I promise.”
“We were.” Lottie’s head bobbed up and down enthusiastically. “Never let her out of our sight.”
“Good.” Ice placed a possessive hand on the back of Silver’s neck before leaning down to brush a kiss over her lips. “And I know I’m a worrywart. But we have rules for a reason, babygirl.”
“I know. And even though you are absolutely ridiculous, I’m following the rules anyway. We weren’t even apart fortwo minutes and our table has a straight line of sight to the bathroom.”
“Good girl.” He rewarded her with another soft kiss. “Beckett and I are going to have a drink, then we’re heading home. For some reason I’m feeling an urge to clamp those pretty nipples of yours before I fuck you senseless.”
A pout formed on Silver’s lips, but excitement glittered in her eyes. “Beckett is a horrible influence on you.”
“Probably. But you love it.”
“Mmm. I do.”
The two shared another kiss that had Beckett’s stomach clenching uncomfortably before Ice released his babygirl and turned to clap a hand on Beckett’s shoulder. “Come on. Let’s get you that drink.”
When they were finally settled at the table again with the promised drinks, Ice waved a hand in Beckett’s direction. “So. How are you feeling after finally getting your hands on pretty little Ruby?”
“Fine.” Jerking one shoulder in a shrug, Beckett lifted his drink to his lips. And tried not to think too hard about Ruby, curled up with Ivy instead of him. About how sweet she must look, all wrapped up in a soft blanket, sniffling back tears as she nibbled on her chocolate. “It was a good scene.”
“It was. You handled her well.” A grin spread across Ice’s face. “She wasn’t prepared for you.”
I wasn’t prepared for her, either.“Makes me wonder what kind of Doms she’s been with in the past.”
Both of Ice’s brows raised at that. “You’re wondering about her past, now? She must be more under your skin than I realized.”
“She’s not.”
“Uh-huh. So why do you keep looking over at the stairs like you’re about to make a run for it?”
Jerking his gaze away from where it had drifted, damn him, to the stairs leading down to the pit, Beckett scowled. “Shut up, Ice.”
“I will.” Grinning, Ice lifted his glass and winked. “As soon as you admit you’ve got it bad for her.”
“I don’t. She’s a brat, and the only reason I’m going to scene with her again is because I promised Holden I would.”