But even with her ass on fire and Beckett’s lecture burning in her ears, she knew she wouldn’t have changed a damn thing. Lottie was a friend, and she would always do what she had to in order to help a friend, even if it meant her ass would pay for it later.
Laying a hand on her backside, Braden gave it a gentle squeeze that nearly made her weep. “Now, Ruby. If you’d been a good girl and answered my questions correctly, we would be done now. But you chose to be a brat instead, which means you have four more coming. I want you to think about that while I cane you. How you could be coming all over my fingers right now instead of getting punished again if you’d just been a good girl.”
The need that had somewhat ebbed during her punishment flared to life between her thighs at his words. Dammit. Her toys were going to get a hell of a workout tonight.
“What’s your line for the next four, little girl?”
“I will answer properly when asked a question.”
“Good girl.”
Number seven caught her sit spots and she could no longer hold back her reactions to the pain. Her foot stomped against the wooden platform beneath her seemingly of its own accord and even with her teeth gritted together, a screech of pain escaped.
That really fuckinghurt.
“Seven, Sir.” She forced the words out through clenched teeth. “I will answer properly when asked a question.”
“Eight, Sir. I will answer properly when asked a question.”
Tears were flowing freely down her cheeks, but she was too caught up in her own misery to be embarrassed by them. “N-nine, Sir. I will answer properly wh-when asked a question.”
“One more, sweetheart. Just one more.”
Ten dragged a scream from her lips. “Ten, Sir! I will answer properly when asked a question!”
“Good girl.” A gentle hand came to rest on her back, rubbing slow, soothing circles over her skin as she dragged in deep, ragged breaths. “It’s all over now, sweetheart. You’re forgiven. Just breathe for me, Ruby Red.”
Forgiven. The word washed over her, a sea of calm that loosened the band around her chest. She’d fucked up, she’d been punished, and now she was forgiven. A clean slate, just like he’d promised her.
A small, nasty voice in the back of her mind said it wasn’t that easy. Nothing was ever that easy. But she did her best to ignore the voice and focus on Beckett’s soothing words.
“There we go,” he said, his tone filled with pride when she let out a deep, shuddering breath. “Are you feeling better now, sweetheart?”
“Yes, Sir.” The honorific slipped from her lips without a second thought.
“Good girl. Would you like a reward for taking your caning so well, my sweet little Ruby?”
She hadn’t taken it well. She’d been a huge fucking brat and pushed him every chance she could get. But if he still wanted to reward her, even after all that, who was she to say no? “Please, Sir.”
“Such a polite little thing when you want to be.” His fingers brushed over her welts, making her shiver as little jolts of painraced along her nerves, down between her thighs. And she felt his chuckle deep in her core when he found her dripping with need. “It looks like someone enjoyed her punishment quite a bit.”
Somewhere, deep inside her mind, she knew she shouldn’t be embarrassed by the fact that she enjoyed pain. That she enjoyed being punished like this, in front of an audience.
And yet, humiliation still heated her skin at his words. “I did not,” she protested, well aware she was whining and yet unable to stop herself.
Pumping two fingers inside her pussy, Beckett grabbed her ass with his other hand and squeezed. Hard. “Do you need another lesson in honesty, little girl?”
Fresh pain sliced through her and she jerked in response, sending the weights on her nipples swinging again, which only added to her torment. “No, Sir!”
“Then be honest with me. Did you enjoy getting your bottom spanked like a naughty little girl, Ruby?”
His fingers were distracting as hell, and he was hitting just the right spot inside her to make her eyes cross. “You’re the one with your fingers in my pussy. What do you think?”
“I think you obviously haven’t learned your lesson about being a brat. What a pity.”