Page 21 of Bet On Me, Daddy

That earned him a high-pitched whine before she managed to catch herself, and he allowed himself a grin since she couldn’t actually see him.

And when he stayed focused on that one spot for several swats, he managed to pull a series of grunts and whines from her as she danced under his hand. Far from the sweet cries and pleas for mercy he truly wanted, but that was okay.

He still had the cane.



Ow, ow, ow, fucking ow, Beckett! Goddammit!

The words she refused to give voice to ran through her mind over and over as Beckett’s hard hand connected with that same damn spot yet again. It hadn’t been so bad when he’d been alternating sides, but now that he was spanking her several times in a row in the exact same spot before moving on, she was having a much harder time bearing the pain silently.

And it didn’t help in the slightest that her breasts swayed with every single swat, making the weighted clamps tug on her nipples, more painful reminders that she was in this situation because she’d been a big fucking brat.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she pressed her lips together tightly when he switched sides again, taking aim now at the tops of her thighs.

She was currently feeling very sorry for herself. Sorry that she’d lied to Braden, but even more sorry that she hadn’t thought to check her surroundings before hiding Lottie. But then again, how was she supposed to know that would be the one time Beckett would actually follow through on his teasing threats to punish her?

And how was she supposed to know she’d end up trapped in a bet where she had to prove she could out-brat a man who apparently had the patience of a goddamn saint? She knew how to brat against Doms who let their annoyance show, or who tried to win her obedience through brute force. But she’d never been up against a Dom like Braden, one who was willing to simply… wait.

The whole experience had knocked her off-kilter, and her pride was taking just as much of a beating as her ass currently was.

When it finally felt like her entire backside was on fire, he stopped, running his hand over the punished skin. “What’s your color, Ruby?”

She hadn’t been expecting a check-in after just a spanking, and it took her a moment to unlock her lips so she could answer. “Green, Sir.”

“Good girl for remembering my honorific. Are you ready for the cane, or do you need a moment?”

Warmth washed over her at his words, immediately followed by disgust at herself for being so easily moved by his praise. It had always been a weakness of hers, and she hated that it still had such an effect on her even now.

“I said I’m green,” she replied, aware her words had a bit more of a snap to them than was probably advisable under the current circumstances.

Once again, he surprised her by not immediately punishing her with another spanking for her attitude. A moment later he appeared in front of her again, concern in his eyes when he crouched down to her level. “Are you sure you’re alright, sweetheart? We can take a break if you want. There’s no shame in needing a moment.”

To her horror, tears pooled on her bottom lashes, blurring her vision slightly before she managed to blink them away.Where the hell had Beckett Stone been her entire life? Maybe if she’d met him when she’d been eighteen instead of…

Shaking off that thought, and the messy emotions that came with it, she forced a smile. “I promise I’m fine, Sir. I’m sorry I snapped at you.”

His entire face lit with pride at her apology, making her insides tremble as he cupped her cheek. “You are a very good girl, Ruby. And you’re going to have to be a very strong girl for me now. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Thank you. And you still have your safewords if you need them, even though this is a punishment. Understood?”

How had he known that was exactly what she needed to hear when she hadn’t even known until some of the knots in her stomach loosened? Knowing that she could safeword, even when she was being disciplined, was a comfort she hadn’t realized she’d needed. But now that she had it, she found the courage to nod. “I understand, Sir.”

“Good girl. We’re almost done. Ten with the cane and then you can have your cuddles with Ivy.”

Right. With Ivy. Because it was well known that Beckett Stone didn’t give aftercare to subs he didn’t have a relationship with.

Why that should be breaking her heart right now, when she’d known all of that going in, she didn’t know.

But he didn’t give her much time to wallow in her heartbreak. A few moments later, something thin and heavy tapped against her backside and her entire focus became him and the punishment he was about to hand down.

“Six for the lie, four for not answering me properly, which is a total of ten.”

I can do basic math, thanks.She nearly let the words fly, but she was already dreading the ten and wasn’t really keen on adding more to her count.