The hand stroking her ass paused, and for a moment she thought she’d pushed him into spanking her.
She was wrong.
Rounding the stocks, he crouched again so they were eye level. And to her continued surprise, there wasn’t anger burning in the dark brown, but rather the light of amusement. “There’s something you should know about me, Ruby Red. I can be as patient as Job when I want something. And right now, there isnothing I want more than you, begging for mercy as I stripe your pretty bottom. The more you fight me, the more I get what I want, even if I have to wait a little while longer to get it. So please, by all means, keep giving me excuses to add to your punishment. I am enjoying every second of this.”
Without giving her a chance to respond, he rose and returned to his spot behind her. “One more time, little girl. Why are you being punished?”
Beneath his hand,Ruby trembled slightly. Just enough to let him know she wasn’t completely unaffected by him.
Of course, he’d seen that much in her eyes when he’d told her to keep giving him reasons to punish her more. There had been that little flash of fear he loved so much, and it had taken everything in him not to fill her pretty, pouty mouth with his cock then and there.
Her eyes weren’t the only thing letting him know he was making an impact on his naughty girl. From this vantage point he could see that her pussy was positively dripping with arousal.
Too bad for her she hadn’t earned an orgasm yet. And he doubted she would, at least not tonight.
Ruby mumbled something, dragging his attention away from the filthy images in his mind and back to her. “What was that, little girl? I can’t hear you.”
“Then maybe you should get your ears checked.”
Little brat. “And that makes an even ten. Want to go for the full dozen?”
“Not really.”
“Then I suggest you repeat yourself. Without the attitude this time. And with my proper title, or it won’t count.”
The floor beside him vibrated, and it took him a second to realize it was because she’d stomped her foot. Swallowing a laugh, he deliberately ignored the action. Maybe it was instinctive, maybe it was to get a rise out of him. Either way, he wasn’t going to reward her with further attention.
After a long, drawn-out silence, she finally huffed out a breath. “I’m being punished because I told Braden a tiny little fib. Sir.”
Close enough. “Thank you, Ruby. I’m going to spank you now, and I’ll warn you ahead of time you’ll need to keep a civil tongue in your head during your punishment. Believe me when I say you do not want to find out how I deal with outright disrespect. Understood?”
“Ruby.” He let the word be its own warning. She knew damn well what she’d done and he had no doubt she was still doing it on purpose.
Silence stretched between them, heavy and filled with expectation. He was well aware of the eyes on them, watching them, waiting to see if and how he tamed this particular brat.
Just when he was about to add to her tally, she spoke up again, her voice surprisingly soft and submissive. “Yes, Sir. I understand.”
“Good girl.” God, he wished he could see her eyes when he praised her. “Thank you for answering me correctly.”
With that, he raised his hand, pausing just for a moment to savor the anticipation before swinging it down to connect withher bottom. Even though this was a warmup for the cane, he wasn’t going nearly as easy on her as he would for a play session.
Ruby jumped slightly as pink blossomed on her skin, a near perfect print of his hand on the pale canvas. He repeated the action on the opposite cheek, taking a second to admire the twin handprints on her ass.
His mark, for however long it would last, on the woman he’d been pretending not to want for far too long. Now that he had her here, wearing his handprints on her skin, the only thought in his mind was simply…Mine.
The logical side of his brain knew that wasn’t true. He had his reasons for not getting in too deep with anyone, especially with someone as bratty as Ruby. But something inside him, those deep, dark parts that longed to hear her begging him for mercy, promising Daddy she’d be a good girl forever, then screaming for Daddy as he fucked her into oblivion didn’t care about those reasons. That side of him only knew one thing.
He was normally able to keep those decadently depraved cravings on a tight leash, even when he had a willing little subbie at his mercy. But tonight he gave them some slack, let them out to play just a bit as he watched Ruby’s delightful bottom bounce under his hand over and over.
For a long while, the only sound he could hear was his palm connecting with her bare skin. Ruby, for her part, was frustratingly silent during the ordeal. And he had no doubt that was intentional. A refusal to give in, to let him ‘win’.
Shifting his attention downward, he focused on her sit-spots, that sensitive bit of skin where ass and thigh met, and where he knew she’d feel his punishment well after they were done.