Page 16 of Bet On Me, Daddy

Despite her ragged breathing and her pounding heart, she managed to smirk up at him as he pulled the corset from her, exposing her completely to his gaze for the first time. “I don’t break easily, Bex.”

There was that flash again, sending a thrill that was both fear and excitement racing up her spine. “I’m counting on it.” Glancing down at the watch in his hand, he smiled. “Two minutes and counting, Ruby.”

She took her time undressing. To make a point that she was not going to be bullied into submission so easily, yes. But also because she was enjoying the way he watched her. Hungry eyes tracked her every movement, and when she pushed her skirt to the floor, leaving her naked but for her pretty satin panties, he looked like he might actually abandon his plans and simply devour her on the spot.

Which wouldn’t disappoint her in the least.

Unfortunately, Beckett Stone was made of sturdier stuff than that, and he simply tapped a finger against the face of the watch in response. “Three minutes.”

“It’s really not fair to keep the timer running while I’m following instructions,” she said, hooking her fingers in the waistband of her panties to wiggle them down over her hips and thighs. “I can only get undressed so fast.”

“And if you hadn’t been a brat to begin with, I wouldn’t have started the timer at all. This is all your own doing, Ruby Red.”

Because arguing with him wouldn’t get her anywhere, she settled for rolling her eyes. Which earned her not the narrow-eyed glare she was expecting, but a smirk instead.

Why did that scare her more than anything else he’d said or done so far?

Naked at last, with her clothes in a neat pile beside his play bag as instructed, she stepped to the middle of the podium. “All right. What next, Bex?”

“Stand right there, with your feet shoulder width apart and your hands behind your head, fingers laced together,” he said, pointing to the middle of the stage. “We’ll get the clamps on you before you go in the stocks.”

There wasn’t really any wiggle room in an order like that, so she took her place as instructed, locking her fingers together behind her head. The position left no part of her hidden, and she was keenly aware of the expectant gazes pointed her direction. Some part of her, a part she’d never fully understood, thrilled at the knowledge she was being watched. That her audience was eagerly tracking her every movement as she followed the instructions given to her.

Logic told her it should have been humiliating. But logic didn’t stand a chance against the thrill racing through her veins.

Then Beckett stepped into her line of sight, and those watchful eyes faded into the background. Her entire being focused on him, on those dark eyes filled with wicked promise as he held up a simple pair of silver clamps.

“Are you ready for me to hurt you, Ruby Red?”

Eyes locked on his, she grinned.

“Bring it on.”



The smile curving Beckett’s lips matched the promise in his eyes, and it nearly knocked the breath from her lungs. She couldn’t remember the last time a man had held this kind of sway over her. Not even the first man she’d been with, the one who had shaped her in more ways than she cared to count, had affected her this way.

And that made Beckett Stone very, very dangerous.

Refusing to let him see how much he was under her skin, she kept her gaze locked on his as he cupped her breast in his hand, pinching the nipple just enough to send a little jolt of pain through her. Pain her body confused with pleasure, and she had to clench her teeth to keep from groaning when her clit throbbed in response.

“You are a beautiful little thing, you know that, Ruby?” Beckett’s tone was light, almost conversational, a mind-scrambling contrast to the need burning in his eyes. “And responsive, too. At least your body knows who’s in charge here.”

She couldn’t exactly argue the last part, seeing as how her nipple had turned hard as stone in his hand. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”

Another hard pinch startled a gasp out of her before she could smother it. “How do you address me, little girl?”

“Sir! Thank you, Sir!” The response was instinctive, and she mentally kicked herself for not being able to hold it back.

“Much better.” Beckett’s praise was a low purr that seemed to vibrate right down to her soul. “Keep being a good girl for me, Ruby Red, and I might allow you to come tonight.”

Ah, fuck. She’d totally forgotten his line about not allowing naughty girls to come during a punishment. Which, under normal circumstances, wouldn’t have bothered her in the least.

But if anyone could use the arousal dripping down the inside of her thighs to bring her to heel, it would be the man standing in front of her.

And because she knew he would wield that knowledge with the same prowess he wielded a flogger, she lifted one shoulder in a careless shrug. “Do or don’t. I’ve got plenty of ways to find relief if I need it. And I’d say that’s a pretty big ‘if’ right now.”