Page 123 of Bet On Me, Daddy

A strangled laugh worked itself past the tightness in her throat. “No. No, we are not.”

“But you called me Daddy.”

Gathering what little strength she had left, she pushed herself up, wrapping her arms around his neck as he moved inside her with strong, slow strokes. “What else would I call the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with?”

He dropped his forehead to hers, his breath catching. “Daddy. You should absolutely call that man Daddy.”

They moved together in silence, a slow, shimmering ride to the top. And when they reached it together, he captured her lips in a kiss so sweet it brought tears to her eyes as he filled her one final time.

“I love you, Ruby Red,” he murmured against her lips.

“You better. Because I’m so fucking in love with you I can’t stand it.”

“Thank god.” He kissed her again, a little fiercer, leaving her breathless again by the time he lifted his head. “I need to get dressed so I can go call a board meeting. Are you going back to work?”

“A board meeting? For what?”

“To talk about selling the company. It’s complicated, and it’s going to take a good bit of maneuvering to ensure it’s left in good hands, so you may need to be patient with me.”

She’d thought she couldn’t be any more in love with him. “You do know I wasn’t serious about that, right? I just wanted to know that youwould. Which is probably pretty shitty of me, now that I think about it.”

“You’re sure? Because I was dead serious. If that’s what it takes for you to feel safe and secure, then I’ll sell.”

“I know you would. And that’s all I needed. After all, you already punched my ex in his stupid face and…” As the scene played over in her mind, something she hadn’t picked up on at the time jumped out at her. “Oh my god. Did you threaten to send themobafter him?”

“It wasn’t a threat. Killian’s a member of the club. It was a promise.”

“That shouldn’t be hot but goddamn, it really is.” Cupping his face, she drew him down for another long, slow kiss. “I need to get back to work so I can let them know I’m quitting. Jacqueline’s going to kill me, but I’m sure once I explain the situation, she’ll understand.”

“Will you come home tonight?”

Home. He meant his big, beautiful house, which had somehow become her home too in a terrifyingly short amount of time. Because no matter how much she loved her little apartment, home was wherever he was.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll come home.”



Aweek after his showdown with Preston Kingsley, Beckett walked into Club BDE with Ruby at his side. She was sulking a bit, probably because he’d plugged her with the largest plug he owned as a reminder for her to behave herself.

And, though he hadn’t told her yet, because he had every intention of flogging her into a mindless mess tonight and then fucking her gorgeous ass once they got back home.

His home, which was quickly becoming theirs. To his surprise, she’d already packed up nearly all of her clothes and moved into his closet, along with a few other boxes of things from her apartment.

Apparently when his girl made up her mind about something, she didn’t waste any time. Which was perfectly fine by him.

“Do I have to wear this thing all night?” she asked as they climbed the stairs up to the restaurant.


“Ugh. Butwhy?” Her voice pitched up to a whine, and he was surprised she didn’t straight up stomp her foot as they stepped onto the gleaming hardwood floors.

Pausing beside the stairs, he slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her close. Close enough to catch the sharp intake of breath, and to see her pupils widen with need. “Because Daddy said so.”

Pink rose to her cheeks in an adorable flush. “Oh.”

“Mmhmm. And my good girl does what her Daddy says, doesn’t she?”