Page 120 of Bet On Me, Daddy

He didn’t even think. One moment, he was standing there, trying to tell Preston to fuck off in the most polite way possible. The next, there was a sickeningcrunchas the other man’s nose gave way to Beckett’s fist.

Howling with pain, Preston covered his face with his hands, which did little to stem the flow of blood pouring from his nose. “You broke my fucking nose, you psychopath!”

“So it would seem.” Pulling his handkerchief from his jacket pocket, Beckett wiped the blood from his knuckles. “Sonja, would you please call security to have Mr. Kingsley escorted from the premises.”

“They’re already on their way, sir.”

No sooner had she said the words than the elevator doors dinged and two uniformed guards strode forward. If they were shocked by the scene in front of them, they did a damn good job of hiding it.

“I appreciate your promptness, gentlemen. Mr. Kingsley was just leaving, so if you wouldn’t mind assisting him out of the building. Oh, and if he tries to enter again, call the police. I don’t care who vouches for him. He is not welcome at Stone Investments.”

“You’ve got some fucking nerve, Stone! I will make you watch as I burn this company to the ground and fuck your whore in the ashes.”

Lifting a hand, he stopped his guards in their tracks. Each held one of Preston’s arms behind his back, and he was fighting for all he was worth against their grasp. His struggles slowed asBeckett approached, the fires of hatred and fury burning in his eyes.

And, if Beckett wasn’t mistaken, just a hint of fear.


“Let me be very, very clear with you right now.” He kept his voice low and even as he spoke. “If you think for one second I am going to let you touch what’s mine, you are sorely mistaken. I will burn this company down myself before I let you near it. And as for Ruby…” Dropping his voice even further, he leaned in, watching with grim delight as Preston’s eyes widened. “If you contact her, speak to her, if you so much as dare to breathe the sameairas her, it will be the last breath you ever take. Am I making myself absolutely clear, Mr. Kingsley?”

“You’re going to regret this.”

“Maybe. But I will spend every last moment of my life ensuring you do not ever have another chance to hurt my woman. And in the event something were to happen to me, my friend Killian O’Rourke would be happy to look after Ruby in my stead.”

He saw the moment Killian’s name landed. It wasn’t just fear, but sheer terror in Preston Kingsley’s eyes. Terror he couldn’t quite hide, no matter how he looked down his nose at Beckett. “Fine. I wasn’t interested in your podunk little firm anyway. I only met with you as a favor for an old friend.”

“Then we have nothing to fight about. Good day, Mr. Kingsley.”

Deciding that the asshole wasn’t worth another second of his time, Beckett turned on his heel—and stopped dead at the sight of Ruby standing behind him, her eyes wide in her still too-pale face. Jonas stood behind her, his hands held up in a helpless gesture of surrender.

It didn’t matter. Everyone else faded into the background as he moved toward his babygirl. “You’re supposed to be in my office, Ruby Red.”

“I don’t listen,” she said with a shrug.

“Trust me, I know.”

She didn’t laugh as he’d expected, which worried him more than the lack of color in her cheeks. “I want to talk to him.”

Absolutely not.If he had it his way, he’d whisk her away to the other side of the country, so she wouldn’t have to worry about ever being anywhere near Preston Kingsley again.

But they’d been down this road once already. And he’d promised never to take her choices away from her again, not when it mattered.

So even though it killed him to do so, he nodded. “All right. But I’ll be right here the whole time.”




She was going to be sick. Or possibly just pass out right here in the middle of Beckett’s very nice waiting room.

But then Beckett placed his hand at the small of her back, and everything inside her settled in an instant. Despite how furious she’d been with him on the drive over, she couldn’t imagine facing her own personal nightmare without him by her side.

“A moment, gentlemen.”

The guards at the elevator turned, with Preston between them, and when Preston’s gaze fell on her, his face lit with a predatory glee that made her stomach lurch. But then she caught sight of the blood dripping down his face and she remembered that her man had done that. Had put his own career on the line for her.