Page 83 of Little Dove

It takes another minute before we both slump back, trying to catch our breath. Amara moans as she buries her face in my neck and tries to slow her panting. I lazily rub her back, my heart finally slowing down, and some of the sweat on my body starts to cool.

“I really did think you might split me in two there for a second,” Amara tells me huskily.

I chuckle, making her gasp and her inner walls clench around my softening cock. I grunt, arching my hips to press deeper intoher. “Fuck,dolcezza,” I rasp. “Keep doing that, and you might just kill me.”

“That was your fault,” she protests weakly. “You laughed, and it made your dick move inside me. I can’t help what my vagina does. By the way, if you get any of your spunk on my new chair, I’m going to murder you. Or at least make you clean it.”

“Alright,colombina,” I agree easily.

She lifts her head to look at me with narrowed eyes. “I mean it, Lazaro,” she warns.

I press my mouth to hers in a quick, hard kiss. She sinks into me, and when I pull away, I whisper, “I will make sure this room is spotless for you,colombina, but first, I think we should go back to our room to freshen up.”

She nods, then winces. “Oh God. Are you serious? You want me to walk all the way back to our room with cum running down my legs?”

I chuckle. “I’ll carry you,” I promise her.

“And what am I going to wear while you do that, since you tore Alonzo’s shirt?”

I scowl at the reminder and reply, “I’ll give you my shirt or wrap you up in the blanket. No one gets to see any part of you but me.”

She rolls her eyes. “Yes, yes. I’m not going over the whole ‘me caveman, you woman’ thing again, especially not when I can feel you leaking out of me right now. So how about you help me up, let me wrap myself up in the sheets, and then get me up to the bedroom.” She pauses, looking down at me. “Add to that, you need to get dressed because I’m not about to have anyone looking at all this.”

“Wouldn’t want you to get so jealous you can’t control yourself,” I tease her, even as I hold her close to me and ease myself up to my feet. When I carefully set her down, Amara winces, clamping her legs tight together. I barely hold backmy laughter as I quickly dress. When I finally finish and turn around, she’s trying to hop her way over to where the blankets are, legs still crossed. I snort out a laugh, earning a death glare over her shoulder. I move quickly to pick up the blanket, wrapping her in it. “You,colombina, are adorable. My own little pixie.” I scoop her up and press a kiss to her nose.

“Fuck off,” she huffs. “Or the minute we’re in our room, I’m punching you in the dick again.”

More and more I’m thinking I need to get that cup. My little dove has a mean right hook, and she likes to aim it at my balls. I’ll have to find a way to avoid it if we want to have children as early as I hope we do. Hell, I’m almost hoping she’ll be pregnant by the time we leave to head home.

The thought fills me with excitement, thinking of her round with my baby as we leave the salon. My cock swells again, and I have to bite back a groan.

I’m well and truly fucked, because I want it all with this woman, and I have no patience. I want it all as soon as possible. I hope her dreams and desires match my own. If not, I’ll have to work hard to convince her.



I groanin discomfort at the soreness between my legs as I hobble to the bathroom. Last night after we got back to our room, Lazaro insisted we shower before we both collapsed into bed. I was so tired that I didn’t even hear him leave. I woke up to the bed next to me empty and cold, and I’m almost glad no one is around to see me. If this is how things are always going to feel the morning after, I might need to invest in an ice pack or limit how many times I allow Lazaro near me.

I eyeball the shower and then decide, no, I need to soak. I turn on the faucet and grab a towel and some bath salts and bubbles. I groan again when I realize I’m going to have to step up and over the edge to get into it, and considering how sore my legs are right now, I might not even be able to lift them that high. Being short really is annoying sometimes.

I glance down at myself, frowning at the beard burn marks on my inner thighs. Okay, I’m going to have to work on Lazaro’s beard, because no way am I dealing with this every time. I hisswhen I touch one of the tender spots. Yeah, okay, I need to go down and find the oil I asked to be ordered for the salon. Lazaro’s going to be buying a lot of it, because I am dousing him in the stuff.

I glance at the tub, see that it’s plenty full, and turn off the water. Before I get in, I need to check if I have any other injuries from our time last night. I search through the cabinets until I find a hand-held mirror. I take a deep breath, spread my legs a little while gritting my teeth against the stretch, and try to see what the hell is going on down there.

Big mistake.

“Holy shit!” I screech, horrified. My thighs are rubbed raw, and so is everything else down there. I’m so swollen and red in places that I’m pretty sure I’ll never be able to take his dick again. “If this is what I look like on the outside, what the hell do I look like on the inside?” I whine.

“Ahh, Amara, are you okay?” a cautious voice says behind me, startling me, but I’m still too shocked to do anything but glance over my shoulder at the women filling the doorway. Gia looks frightened, Sienna concerned, Rori amused, and Sofia on the brink of hysterics.

“No. No I am not okay,” I tell them harshly. “Everything aches, it feels like I did the splits for like a hundred hours straight, and it looks like Freddy Krueger scratched the hell out of my thighs. Not to mention, I fucking told him that he probably would split me in two, and it’d be blood, death, and carnage down there. I can’t see inside, but I’m so swollen that I’m not going to be able to find my vagina anytime soon. So no, I’m not okay.”

They all share a look, and then they start to laugh. I glare at them, but especially Sofia and Rori, who are practically doubled over. At least Gia is trying to control herself. She takes a couple deep breaths and walks calmly toward me. “How aboutyou get into the bath? We can figure everything else out from there?” she suggests gently, stopping a few short feet away, hand outstretched like she’s not quite sure if she should touch me or not.

Considering I’m standing here with my ass out, I kind of get it.

“It’s my own fault,” I tell her morosely. “I said I was good, and totally ignored my own warnings. I mean, I told him so many times it was too big, and now this.” I wave at myself. “I wouldn’t be surprised if my insides are bruised.” More laughter erupts behind me, which I ignore. I focus on Gia, who looks like she’s trying very hard to keep her composure.