Page 8 of Little Dove

He doesn’t even react to my threat. Probably because he knows unless I manage to find a gun, I won’t be able to do any such thing. Damn it. Finally, after another minute, he says, “They’ve left, probably checking the other spots. We’re safe enough for now, but we’ll need to keep our ears open.”

“Oh, well, alright then,” I snark sarcastically. “Would you like to tell me what the hell is going on now, or would you like me to start guessing? I’m warning you, most of them are going to be out there.”

He finally looks at me, and I see amusement in his dark eyes. No, wait, I’m not supposed to be noticing that. I’m pissed, and I need answers. Then the man has the audacity to say, “You’re cute when you’re mad,dolcezza. Like some sort of pocket pixie.”

Oh, wrong thing to say, fucker. I seethe internally, my glare on him intensifying. Before I can tell myself it’s a bad idea, I lash out, punching the bastard straight in the balls. The sound he makes is immensely satisfying, and I quickly jump out of the way as he collapses to his knee, cupping himself.

Is this the part where I yell timber?

“Am I cute now?” I demand, glaring at him furiously.

He curses, coughing and gagging as he tries to work through the pain. Finally, he manages to get himself under control and his head whips toward me, eyes dark and foreboding. “You just killed our future children,dolcezza,” he grits out through clenched teeth as he hobbles to his feet, wincing with each step.

“Considering the size of you, that’s probably for the best,” I toss back. “I’d split in two. Now, what the hell is going on? If you don’t start talking, next time it’ll be scissors in your balls and not my fist.”

“You’re a bloodthirsty one, aren’t you?” he rasps. “Thank fuck. I don’t want to deal with a crier. But just so you’re aware,dolcezza, turnabout is fair play, and I have my own ways of making you beg for mercy.” His voice takes on that silky note that has my core turning molten.

Okay, I need to get some headphones or something that will change his voice because, damn it, every time he talks like that, he makes me want something that I can’t. Chemistry is a bitch.

“Cut it out,” I snap at him. “If you think flirting with me is going to distract me, you’re sorely mistaken. Get talking.”

I hope I’m able to handle whatever the hell he’s about to say.



Fuck,that hurts. Who knew such a tiny hand could pack such a punch? Clearly, I need to watch out for those from now on. Still, it pleases me immensely, this temper of hers. Makes me want to see just how hot I can make it burn. Though, maybe not right this second, considering the amount of pain in my groin.

Note to self:Stay out of striking range or wear a cup next time I mention how small and cute she is.

Now to decide how much to tell her. I still need to call Alessio, so who the hell knows how long it’ll be before he’s able to get someone here to extract us. And if those bastards outside figure out how to get down here, that will be a whole other problem. Still, there has to be another way out of here. Military installations never have only one exit and entrance. There’s another one down here, I just have to find it.

“Hello?” Amara demands impatiently. “Are you going to answer me or not? I punched your balls, not your throat, and they aren’t connected.”

“You punched them hard enough to make it feel like they are,” I grit out. Alright, I need to get a grip. “But yes, I’ll tell you that the men out there aren’t after me, but you.”

“Me? Why the fuck are they after me? I’ve never seen them before, and it’s not like I’m part of some criminal enterprise.”

Oh, she has no idea.

“They’re after you because of who you are, not because of what you’ve seen or done,” I say patiently, watching her. Her green eyes narrow at me. God, I love those eyes. Green eyes are rare in Italy, and one of the few families with this trait are the Contis.

“And just who am I to them?”

“You may have grown up in the foster system, but your birth parents are Giovanni De Luca and Bianca Conti. You were given the name Amara by the people at the fire station who found you, but they had no idea of your true Italian heritage. Just a happy coincidence, I suppose. Your father’s brother is Don Leonardo De Luca in New York City, and now that they know you exist, your entire family is searching for you. Each for their own reasons, and the majority of them aren’t good. I’m here to keep you out of their clutches. As you’ve seen, they’ll do anything to get you back to them.”

She stares at me, open-mouthed. When she closes it, it just drops open again. “What?” she gasps out.

“It’s a lot,” I agree, sliding my hands into my pockets as I watch her carefully. This is going to go one of two ways. Denial, or complete hysteria, and I’m not sure which one is better right now. I just hope this revelation doesn’t send her running like it did Sienna. I’m not chasing this woman all over the damn world. I’ll tie her to me if I have to. “But that’s the truth of it,” I continue when she still doesn’t say anything else. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Okay, we need to back up,” she says suddenly, clearly getting her wits about her. She pins me with a hard glare. “If my family is looking for me, why the hell are you trying to keep me away from them?”

See? She’s a smart one.

“Because while they might be your family, they don’t want good things for you. They only want you under their control so they can marry you off to someone they think will give them more money, more power, and control of something they want.”

“They don’t even know me, so how the hell would they marry me off? That doesn’t make any sense.”