Lazaro is instantly on his feet, helping me, the desire on his face now replaced with concern. I don’t waste any time grabbing a towel and drying myself off. I try not to let doubt or panic creep in. Instead, I focus on my plan. “Amara,” Lazaro says cautiously, and I can feel him at my side, watching me uncertainly. “Are you alright? Did I push too far?” I don’t answer him, and instead toss the towel aside before I turn to look up at him.
Then I climb him like a fucking tree.
He grunts in surprise, but quickly helps me up until I’m able to wrap my legs around his waist, and we’re face to face. “Christ,” he hisses, his hands gripping my ass tight. “Amara, what are you?—”
“Stop talking,” I order. His eyes darken at my tone, and confusion is replaced by something else that I’m not sure how to name. I grip his shoulders tightly, hoping I don’t lose my nerve. “I’m tired of letting them win, and I’m tired of feeling like they took all my choices from me. You shouldn’t pay for them either. You shouldn’t be afraid that you’re going to push me too far, or have to go so freaking slow that it’s almost glacial. So no, Lazaro, no more questions, no more teasing or testing the waters to see when I freak the fuck out. This time, I’m making the choice. Not you, not them, not my stupid fear.Me.And if I do freak out, then I expect you to help me through it, because I believe you whenyou promise you will.” I weave one hand up the back of his neck and into his hair, gripping tight. “So you’re going to kiss me, and we’re going to see what happens from there.”
To make sure he knows how serious I am, I press my mouth to his before he can say anything else and somehow talk me out of it.
For a heartbeat, he doesn’t react, but then he’s kissing me back just as passionately, and his own hand snakes its way up my back and grips the messy bun on top of my head, using it to hold me still as he plunders my mouth.
There’s no barriers between us now. Nothing to hold us back, and I’m swept away in it all. The only focus I have is this man and the way he makes me feel; how he tastes; how he smells. There are no shadows allowed here. I’m moving forward.
Lazaro suddenly yanks his mouth from mine, and we’re moving. The jarring motion of him walking and my clit rubbing against his belly sends streaks of pleasure through me, and to try and stifle the sound, I press my face into his neck, burrowing in. I feel and hear his low rumble of pleasure, and I want to hear it again. So I nuzzle him again, but then press my lips to his heated skin. I can taste his salt on my lips, and I want more. I carefully trace my tongue down the column of his throat. “Colombina,” he grits out, even as his fingers flex on my ass again.
The pleasure of it, but also the slight pain of his grip, pulls me out of the moment a little bit, but not enough to make me want to stop. Instead, I run my mouth along his shoulder, tasting him there too, before making my way back to his neck when he doesn’t react the same way. I kiss my way up under his jawline and ear, but before I can taste him again, I realize that he’s stopped. I pull back and stare into his eyes. “Did you not like that?” I ask, worried I’ve done something wrong. Maybe he doesn’t like to be licked. Or at least not there.
“Colombina, I like it enough that I’d probably cum if you kept at it,” he laughs harshly. “Your innocent touches, they’re like an arrow straight to my cock. I’m not going to survive if you try to lick me anywhere else.”
I blink at that. “Really?” I can’t help the proud smile that pulls at my lips.
His lips quirk up wryly. “You underestimate the hold you have on me, Amara. I feel like a fucking boy about to have his first time, praying I won’t blow too early. Which is why…” Before I can figure out what he’s about to do, he tosses me away from him, and I screech in surprise as I land in the middle of the bed. I lay there for a second before I lift my head to glare at him. He gives me a boyish grin as he moves to stand at the end of the bed.
“How the hell does throwing me help you?” I demand, going up onto my elbows. A voice in the back of my head is trying to remind me that I’m freaking naked in front of him, completely vulnerable, but I’m too amped up to listen. The man freaking threw me like some kind of doll or something.
“Well, I get to see you laid out all pretty and naked for me, but also it gives me a second to get myself under control,” he answers honestly, waving at the erection currently tenting his sleep pants.
I look at him and swallow hard. Yeah, no, I’m not thinking about that yet. I’m still not convinced that thing is getting past the gates, let alone inside me. I force myself to look up at him, and note that his smile is gone. In its place is the look of a man appreciating the view. I glance down at myself and realize that I’m pretty much showing him everything.
I fight back my insecurity, and I remind myself that I’m safe. I glance down again. Well, he hasn’t lost his hard-on, so I guess that means he doesn’t hate what he sees. But then again, I doubt any man loses a hard on if he’s in front of a naked woman, even if she isn’t his normal type.
“You’re fucking perfect,” Lazaro rasps, his gaze finally moving back up to mine. “I can’t wait to feel you, Amara. I’ve been fucking dreaming of it since the moment I first laid eyes on you.” His hands clench and unclench at his sides, like he’s holding himself back from touching me.
We stare at each other, neither of us ready to make a move, and the longer I lie here, the more shaky I feel. Alright, I guess that means I need to be the one to make the moves. “Stop staring at me and get on the bed,” I order roughly. “I’m about to chicken the hell out.”
That seems to do the trick. Within seconds, he’s on the bed and reaching for me, and rolls us so that I’m sprawled over him. I appreciate him not trying to crush me. To keep myself from thinking too hard, I quickly kiss him again. No need to let any pesky thoughts get in there.
Lazaro takes control of the kiss, his hands moving over me expertly, seeming to know which parts of me to apply more pressure to, while others to skim. His hand cups my ass again, pulling me up his body even more, before he yanks his mouth away and rasps, “Fuck, I love your ass. I have a lot of plans for it,dolcezza.” To punctuate his statement, he gently parts my cheeks, watching me with hungry eyes.
I shudder at his words and the feel of cool air touching parts of me that are now exposed. Why is that so sexy? Why does that excite me? “I don’t know if I want to know what those plans are yet,” I breathe, my eyes fluttering closed as he eases up and presses a soft kiss to my neck. The feel of his mouth and the way he’s exposing me is so different and yet so perfect.
“I think you do,” he purrs, removing one hand to trail slowly up my spine before moving back down. “I think you want to know all the dirty things I plan on doing to you, my sweet Amara, don’t you? You want to know that I plan on fucking you from behind to see those sweet cheeks bounce. And you certainly wantto know how I plan to mark it with my teeth and hands, isn’t that right?” He grips my ass again tightly, and I moan. “But I know you’re not ready for that yet, so we’ll work our way up to it. First, we’re going to get you used to my mouth on other parts of you.” He flashes me a wicked grin when my eyes fly open. My body flushes, and he gives a low chuckle. “Oh, yes, someone likes that idea, don’t they? Is that what you need,colombina? You need my mouth on you?”
Some sort of sound comes out of my mouth that he must take as agreement, because he cups the back of my head, pulling it down so that he can lift his face into my neck. His lips start to move along my skin, the same way I did to him, and I want more. I turn my head, and he makes a sound of pleasure as he tastes his way up along my jaw to my ear. A gasp and moan fill the air when he lightly nips his teeth along a sensitive part of my neck.
Oh my God, what was that? Instant streaks of ecstasy fill me, and I arch into him, wanting more, my core pressed so tight to his belly that I’m shocked I haven’t sunk into him. “Oh, someone likes that,” he purrs. “Let’s try that again, but this time…” He moves down my neck to the crux, nipping again but just a little harder, and that same feeling fills me. When I arch into him again, he grips my hips and gently starts to move them in a way that has my clit swelling and rubbing against him.
I’ve never felt anything like this, but I love it. I want more of it. I want to make him feel the same, but I don’t know how, so I stay still, allowing myself to enjoy the moment, to enjoy the feeling inside me, until it’s not enough. I need more. “Lazaro,” I whisper.
“Do you need more,colombina?”
“Yes. Yes, please, more.” What more there is, I don’t know yet, but whatever he’s offering, I want it.
He rolls us so that he’s hovering over me, and my desire instantly cools as I stare up at him. It’s like that one movementgave my mind the opening it needed to remind me of why I never wanted to do this. My mouth goes dry as I stare up at him, a roaring fills my ears, and panic consumes me. My heart pounds, and I can feel my breathing picking up, loud enough that it echoes with the roaring.
Lazaro instantly lifts himself off, pulling me up into his arms, cupping my face in his hands. “Amara, it’s alright. You’re safe. Come back to me.” He says the same words over and over again; I struggle to latch on to them, memories assaulting me. Then he presses a kiss to my forehead, and it’s the jolt I need. The roaring dies, my heartbeat slows, and the darkness starts to slide away to wherever it was hiding. I’m shaking, but I wrap my arms around Lazaro, burrowing my face in his neck. He must realize that I’m back with him, because he just rocks me, and I hear him murmuring apologies. “I’m so sorry,colombina. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard.”
“No, I wanted you to.” I sniffle, battling back the tears that want to bubble up, both of relief and frustration. Is this what my life is going to be like? I was so good, up until that moment, and then I just had to freak out? Had to ruin it? “I want you to do all the things, Lazaro, and I like what you were doing, but then you hovered and it just triggered stuff. I’m sorry.”