“Four years. I started out as a grunt, and worked my way up.”
“Your opinion on the men you work with?” He stares at me without answering. “Speak,” I order. “Your life depends on it, and now is not the time to mince words.”
“I think that half of these boys have no idea what they’re getting themselves into, and they’re fucking cowardly,” he finally answers, his tone cold, not an ounce of regret for what he’s said.
“Can you get them whipped into shape?” Dante asks, walking over to stand next to me.
He looks at Dante, holding his gaze. “If you would like me to, yes, but I don’t follow conventional military standards. If they can’t take it, I want them gone. You said yourself, now is not the time for weakness and lagging behind.”
“The only way someone gets out of this life is death,” Dante reminds him coldly. The man nods. “Name?”
“Caesar Angelo.”
I glance at Dante, but he gives nothing away if he recognizes the name. “Well, Caesar, I’m putting you in charge of getting our men in shape. You have twenty-four hours. After that, we’ll see if you live or die. Disappoint me, and you’ll be facing the latter. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Caesar replies, unflinching.
This guy is like ice, nothing fazes him. I get the sense that there is more to him than meets the eye, and I’ll be looking into him as soon as we’re finished. Considering the rest of the men around us, he certainly stands out, and standing out in this line of work isn’t something one can take lightly.
Dante nods, and then turns on his heel. I follow, though my ears are pricked behind me. I don’t flinch or even turn around to look when several gunshots fill the air before I hear Caesar bark, “I’ll be adding more to the pile if you don’t get over your fucking disgraceful asses. Move!”
“He might just be gunning for your job, Esposito,” I remark as we make our way inside.
Dante glances up at me, but his expression gives nothing away. “Perhaps, but he’ll have to kill me to get it. And I doubt you’ll let that happen since you want that honor for yourself.”
I don’t bother to deny it. “Maybe I’ll have him help me when the time comes,” I return with a sinister smile.
“What, can’t do it yourself?” Dante taunts.
I scowl down at him. “Don’t tempt me to show you just how good I am, Esposito,” I warn him darkly. “The only reason you’re not dead yet is because my sister would never speak to me again. I simply have to bide my time. You’ll fuck up eventually.”
Dante doesn’t react to that, but he also doesn’t deny it. I’m not sure if I respect him for that or not. He’s far too calm about it, considering that we’re all under one roof, and if we want to kill him, there is nothing to stop us and not even Nico will be able to step in. Instead, the bastard says, “I have things to see to.” Then he turns away down a hallway, leaving me alone. I glare after him, and I almost want to follow him, but I have a feeling I’m not going to like where he’s heading.
Instead, I pull out my phone and send a message to Mario, who is guarding Amara and the other women, along with one ofNico’s men. He answers within seconds, and I frown when I see his response.
Mario: We’re on the first floor in a space close to the soldier's quarters.
He gives me quick directions, and I’m already moving. What the hell are they up to? And why are they near the soldier’s area? No fucking way should they be anywhere near there. Anger burns at Mario for allowing such a thing. He should fucking know better.
When I walk down the hall that leads to the barracks, I spot Mario immediately, but the other guard is nowhere in sight. “Mario,” I bark, barely keeping my anger contained.
“Lazaro,” Mario says simply, watching me with a calm and collected expression.
“Care to explain to me why we’re down here?”
“It seems the women are trying to choose a room forSignoraStanley’s new salon,” Mario explains, his lips quirking up into a smile. “SignoraArmani has already sent her guard out to purchase the supplies they require. Most have arrived, but there are a few items they are still waiting on. They are eager to get set up so they can get started on their plans.”
A part of me is glad that things seem to be going well between Amara and the other women, and that she’ll have something to do, but what I don’t understand is why they’re here. “Why would they need a whole salon for her to do their hair?” I ask. “Surely she can work out of one of the other rooms in this gigantic place.”
Mario’s lips widen even further, my suspicion growing that I’m not going to like the answer. “SignoraArmani andSignoraHarris felt that this would be a better location, considering all the work that will have to be done to get it up and running.Better access for plumbing and the like.SignoraStanley was very specific in the equipment that she’ll need. I’m sure you andSignoreArmani can come to an agreement on the charges that will incur?”
“Of course,” I reply immediately, though I have to wonder what Nico will have to say about all this. Still, I can’t help but feel like there is more to what Mario is saying, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. “And who will be looking for their haircuts so quickly?”
“I believe all theSignoras, though I have not heard from your sister if she plans to take part. I have my doubts that she knows what’s going on, since I haven’t seen her yet.”
Oh, she definitely knows, but I can’t see her standing in their way. Glancing around, I can see how it makes more sense to be down here, though I’m not pleased about it. I’d much rather they have set this whole thing up by our room, where I know she’s safe and away from any of those fuckers walking by, but this is out of the way, and hopefully won’t require much renovation to create, or to fix when we eventually leave.
I’ll be sure to take stock of what she needs so I can recreate it back home. I want her to be comfortable, especially since she’s probably going to fight me on going.