Page 38 of Little Dove

I look up at Lazaro and see him watching me with concern. I smile at him, and he relaxes. “You’ll meet Sofia soon,” he tells me. “She runs this place, and is no doubt busy scaring all the staff.”

Sienna scoffs, and I turn to see her wicked grin widen even further. “You keep thinking that,” she taunts. “But we all know she’s getting busy with Dante while you’re all in here distracted.”

I look around in amazement as the Cattaneo and Caruso brothers all lose their grins and the tension in the room explodes. Aurelio and Pietro share a knowing look, but say nothing.

“I’ll kill him,” Massimo vows, already turning for the door.

“Not if I get to him first,” Urso declares, dashing for the door with Zeno right behind him.

“Enough.” Pietro sighs in exasperation, making them all stop. “Sofia is a smart woman, and if anyone will kill the man, it will be her, if he even thinks to break her heart. We have other things that must be discussed.”

“That’s our cue to spend some time together,” Sienna announces with a grin. “Amara, I really want to talk to you about my hair. I think I want some color in it.”

“Oh, me too!” Gia says excitedly, both of them hooking their arms through mine.

“Ah, sure,” I reply. This is an easy topic, even if my nerves are jumping through the roof at the thought of being alone with them. They seem very nice, but things can change. I almost wish Rori was here to give a buffer.

“Hold on,” Lazaro says, stopping us. I turn to see him moving behind us. “You’re good,colombina?” he asks, his gaze direct.

If I say no, I’m going to insult Gia and Sienna, and that wouldn’t start us off on the right foot. So instead, I just smile. “I’m fine, Lazaro.”

He holds my gaze for another long moment before he steps forward to the door, opening it. “Go with them. If anything happens to them while they are in your care, you will die a slow and painful death,” he tells the two men that we passed on our way in earlier.

Both men nod their acknowledgment, their expressions never changing even at that threat.

“Lazaro,” I say, horrified. “You can’t threaten people like that.”

“I can and I will when it comes to your safety,” he replies unrepentantly. He steps forward, and both Sienna and Gia release me, smiling. Then he reaches down, grips my waist, and lifts me off my feet and up to his eye level. “If you need me, all you have to do is tell the guard and I’ll come,” he promises me softly. “Okay?”

I nod, unable to do anything else, so enraptured with him. I don’t even care that this probably looks ridiculous. “I’ll be fine.”

He smiles. “I know you will.” Then he leans forward, and despite thinking that he’ll kiss my mouth, he kisses my forehead,sets me on my feet, and then turns away to walk back into the room. I stare after him for a long moment, confused at why I’m annoyed.

“Oh, yeah, we need some girl time for sure.” Sienna snickers. “It’s late enough in the day, I think we can add wine to the discussion.”

“And I have just the spot,” Gia agrees. They once again link arms with me, and then we’re off.

I glance back but can’t see past our two guards. I know I said that we couldn’t be anything, but why do I miss him already?



Alonzo and Dantearrive within minutes of the girls leaving, and I pin Dante with a hard glare, which he of course ignores. His face gives nothing away, but the look in his blue eyes is enough. I’m going to enjoy killing him. Being Nico’s Underboss might cause a problem along the way, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.

I suppose I can see what Sofia sees in him. He’s a handsome Black man, standing over six feet tall with sharp blue eyes, and in very good shape, not an ounce of fat on him. Looking at him, you’d never know he’s an illegitimate cousin of Nico’s, through Nico’s uncle. He’s well known in our circles for being ruthless. At least my sister didn’t pick a loser. Doesn’t mean I fucking like it.

Considering the glares the rest of the men in the room are sending his way, they feel the same. Our father and Pietro excluded, of course.

I glance at Alonzo and see his face set in a hard expression, his eyes burning with irritation. “Problem?” I ask when he comes to a stop beside me.

“That fucking woman is going to make me lose my fucking mind,” he grits out. “Do you know what the fuck she did?” I arch a brow at him expectantly. “She took my fucking guns and put the pieces of them all over the fucking room. I mean, she took the fucking things apart. Then she dumped out all my bullets. I don’t know when the hell she had time to do that, but I’m going to tan her ass.”

I can’t help it. I laugh, drawing everyone’s attention. Alonzo glares at me furiously. “I like her,” I announce, flashing a wicked grin his way. “What did you do to piss her off?”

“Why the fuck do you think I did anything?” he bites out. “She’s fucking crazy, and now that she’s here, she’s made it her mission in life to piss me the fuck off.” He looks at Alessio and snaps, “You need to assign her to someone else, because I’m going to lose my fucking marbles.”

“Did you really expect anything less, after your introduction?” Alessio tosses back easily. “You’re not on guard duty for her, anyway. We’ve cleared her. So if she’s still staying with you, kick her ass out to another room.”