Page 35 of Little Dove

The sound of running water finally penetrates my thoughts, and I whip my head around to stare at the closed bathroom door. I swallow hard. Okay, so he didn’t leave. How the hell did I sleep through that? I mean, I know I was tired, but I never sleep so deeply that I don’t sense someone in the room.

I want to get out of bed and run the hell out of the room before he comes back out, but where am I going to go? Besides, there’s no way in hell I’m leaving this room dressed only in pajamas. If I run into someone, they might take it as an invitation. Lazaro might be a good man who won’t take advantage, but I’m in the heart of a mafia Don’s home, and I doubt that all the men here would follow Lazaro’s lead.

It looks like I’m stuck here.

It takes another ten minutes before the door finally opens and Lazaro walks out, his hair and beard still damp from his shower. He is wearing only a new pair of suit pants, carrying the rest of his clothes in hand, and his eyes quickly find mine. I trynot to let him see the embarrassment I’m feeling, but the only thing I see in his eyes is concern and relief.

“How did you sleep?” he asks, setting his clothes on the end of the bed before he starts to button up his pants.

I somehow manage not to stare, but it’s close. Damn it, I really need him to get dressed, because a woman can only take so much. “Like the dead,” I admit. Guess it’s time to ask the question that’s burning in my head. “Did you sleep here with me?”

“I slept on the chaise in the sitting area.” He says it so nonchalantly that I’m not sure if I’ve heard him right. I glance past him to look at the chaise, and frown.

“How?” I blurt out. “That thing is way too short for you to sleep on comfortably.”

“I’ve slept in worse places,colombina,” he assures me with a smile.

“But…but why didn’t you just sleep in the bed?”

Wait, what? What did I just ask? Again with the mixed signals, Amara.

His expression turns serious. “Because that would have upset you. You deserved to sleep for one night without worrying about me disregarding your wishes. So I slept on the chaise, and checked on you if you started to stir or seemed like you were having a nightmare. After everything you told me, I wanted to be close.”

I stare at him, unsure I’ve comprehended what he’s just said correctly. “You did?” It’s the only thing I can think to say, even while my heart does something funny in my chest, and my belly does the same. It’s stupid to be so affected by a simple answer, and one that I should be happy about.

His expression softens slightly. “Yes.” He grabs his shirt, slipping it on and distracting me all over again. What is sosexy about a man buttoning up a shirt? And why the hell am I attracted to it?

My fingers itch to push his hands away and do it myself. Instead, I curl them into the bedspread, and say, “Thank you. I-I appreciate it.” Then, because I feel compelled to, I add, “I’m sorry I dumped that all over you last night, Lazaro. I shouldn’t have. I was just tired and?—”

“I’m not,” he interrupts quickly. I arch a brow at him. “Not sorry, that is. There is nothing that you can’t tell me, Amara.”

That is such a heavy statement, but somehow, I think he means it. “Uh, thank you. Look, I know that you stayed in here with me last night, and thank you for that, but I don’t want you to get the wrong idea. Just because I told you everything doesn’t mean I need to be fixed or whatever.”

“There’s nothing about you to fix, so I agree.” He grabs his suit coat, slips it on and then places his hands on the end of the bed. “Everyone is waiting to meet you downstairs, so you better get up and get dressed.”

It’s an abrupt change in subject, but it gets me moving. Shit. I have to meet the rest of his, and probably my, family today. I scramble from beneath the sheets, crawl over the bed to the other side and rush into the bathroom, ignoring the chuckles behind me. I probably look like an idiot but I don’t care.

It takes me a good twenty minutes to decide what to wear. I mean, what does one wear to meet long lost mafia relatives? I tried on a couple of business suits that looked fantastic, but felt too restrictive; then I tried on a few skirts, which also felt stupid, until I finally settled on a pair of jeans. Now I’m standing in nothing but the same black bra I slept in, with no idea what to wear for a shirt. I’m losing my mind.

“I’m here to rescue you,” Rori’s voice suddenly calls out from the other side of the bathroom door. “Let me in before your man out here threatens to break the damn thing down.”

I blink, then move to open the door, hiding my half-naked body behind it. I peer around and see Lazaro looking impatient, but also concerned. “Why the hell would you break down the door?” I demand, irritated.

“Because you didn’t answer me when I called out to you twice,” he informs me tightly. “Rori showed up to check on you, so I sent her.” And from the sound of it, he’s not happy about it.

“And just like I told him,” Rori announces as she and Hades walk in, “it’s a big deal when you’re about to meet a bunch of people you don’t know. So let’s get you sorted.”

“We need to be downstairs in the next twenty minutes,” Lazaro warns.

“Yeah, yeah,” Rori calls out, already moving into the closet. “Holy shit! I wish we were the same size because I’d be stealing some of your new clothes. These are gorgeous.” I shut the door, ignoring Lazaro’s scowl, and walk over to join her.

“Lazaro had them put in here,” I say with a sigh. “He says he got them delivered while we were on the plane, but I doubt it. There is no way someone can get so many clothes in the perfect sizes in such a short amount of time.”

“You’d be surprised what can be done when you’re one of the most powerful people in New York. People are scared enough of Nico that one phone call with the address will have every single store owner in this city moving heaven and earth to keep on his good side. And, Lazaro doesn’t strike me as a liar. Now, we have a lot to choose from. Good choice on the jeans, but now to figure out the top. Also, your boobs are fantastic by the way.” She winks at me.

I roll my eyes, fighting a blush. “Stop ogling me and help me pick a shirt.”

Rori wiggles her brows. “Where’s the fun in that? But fine, let’s see what we’ve got. I can use the inspiration for my next shopping trip.”