It sounds almost normal, and I much prefer that option to going back out there to face Lazaro. I smile at her. “Yeah, that sounds like a nice idea.”
Maybe things won’t be so terrible if she really is in my corner, but I’m still going to hold myself back for now. Pretty words andfalse promises are a dime a dozen, and only time will tell if I’m right or wrong to trust her as much as I already am.
It will also give me time to figure out what the hell I’m going to do about Lazaro. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s out there right now screwing Camilla or the other one while I’m in here.
I just wish that thought didn’t fill me with such jealousy.
The plane landsin the early morning hours, and I’m utterly exhausted. I want nothing more than to curl up in the big bed and go right to sleep, but I know I can’t do that yet. Especially not when I’m going to have to leave this room and finally face Lazaro. I’m not exactly looking forward to that, but also I’m not looking forward to leaving the plane and heading off to Nico’s house.
Rori’s spent the last few hours talking to me and telling me more about the place, and while I’m curious, I’m also terrified. It sounds so overwhelming, and while the people she speaks of sound interesting, they’re also strangers. Strangers that hold my life in their hands.
A part of me wonders if I’ve been completely fooled and I’m about to walk into a trap. And if I am, what am I going to do to get out of it? I’m in a totally new city, at the mercy of people I don’t know, and I’ve already been warned that if I run, they’re going to catch me.
I’m fucked if I do, and, possibly, fucked if I don’t.
“Everything will be fine,” Rori murmurs softly, watching me as she opens the bedroom door, releasing Hades from his guard position. The good boy didn’t move for hours, only laying down to keep watch after we’d been left alone for awhile. I’m still surprised that Lazaro and Alonzo didn’t try to come in here, but I’m also grateful that they didn’t.
We emerge from the bedroom to find the plane abuzz with activity, Alonzo and Lazaro barking orders from their positions near the partition. Camilla is sitting in the seat I vacated, her skirt halfway up her thighs, hair mussed, lipstick smeared, and a lazy, but smug, smile on her lips. It’s obvious she’s been busy with someone during the flight.
My stomach sours thinking that it might have been Lazaro. Hell, probably right outside the bedroom door. Or maybe he decided to keep her away so that I couldn’t hear her, and fucked her in the bathroom at the front of the plane. Why should I expect anything different? It doesn’t matter what a man says, it only matters what they do.
I keep my expression neutral and unaffected as I hold her stare for a moment and then look away, feigning indifference. Out of the corner of my eye I see her smug smile falter slightly. Oh, someone was expecting me to get jealous and upset; well, she’s going to be disappointed.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you were giving out more than just food on this flight,” Rori remarks thoughtfully, drawing my gaze. Alonzo and Lazaro immediately turn to look at us. Lazaro’s dark eyes move to mine, and I can see they hold concern and a slight hint of guilt. Guess that answers that question.
“We are a full-service flight,” Camilla answers, reaching forward to pick up a half-empty glass of expensive looking liquor. She brings it to her lips and adds with a sly smile, “It’s my job to make sure that everyone receives service no matter what.”
“So, what, you add yourself to the menu?” Rori snorts. “Oh, wait, is that what the fine print was at the bottom of the menu earlier? ‘Warning, each order of stewardess comes with a complimentary STD’?”
I barely manage to contain my shocked laugh. Holy shit. Camilla’s face contorts with fury as she shoots to her feet. “You fucking bitch,” she screeches. “How fucking dare you? I should?—”
“Finish that sentence and you’re out on your ass. No one will ever hire you again.” Alonzo’s voice rings out as he stalks down the aisle toward us, his face a mask of fury.
Camilla turns her furious gaze toward Alonzo. Lazaro steps forward as well, but he hangs back, watching the whole scene with a dark look. “I should not have to put up with being insulted in such a manner in my own workplace, Alonzo. Don Caruso won’t be pleased about this. Perhaps you should think about that before you bring women like these two on this plane.”
“I think she’s implying that we’re whores,” Rori says in a dramatic stage whisper as she rolls her eyes. “How cliché. Especially considering she’s the one who looks like she’s just been through the ringer with someone. Alonzo, if you fucked her, I’d get yourself tested. You too Lazaro, because this one definitely hands it out like free dessert at an all you can eat buffet.”
Camilla rounds on her, her hand raised. Two things happen simultaneously. Hades snarls viciously, and Alonzo’s hand wraps around her wrist, yanking it down swiftly. Camilla lets out a cry of pain. “Enough!” he roars, even as Rori quiets Hades with a quick hand signal. “Get the fuck out of my sight,now,” he snarls at Camilla.
“Alonzo,” she whines.
“Speak one more word, and I will ensure you pay dearly,” he warns her harshly. Her face pales, but she pulls away from himand then turns on her heel and stiffly walks toward Lazaro. He doesn’t even glance at her as he steps aside to let her pass, and her shoulders sag as she continues on.
A tense silence fills this part of the plane, and I glance around worriedly. Rori is eyeing Alonzo in a way I can’t quite decipher, almost like she’s unsure whether to thank him, or yell at him for interfering. Alonzo gives her a foreboding look, then turns on his heel and barks, “We’re leaving. Both of you, move it.”
“Alonzo,” Lazaro says warningly, his expression unchanging. I don’t hear what Alonzo says, but he stalks past Lazaro, his shoulders tight. Lazaro’s gaze moves over us both and he says in a much calmer tone, “We need to get a move on. The longer we stay here, the greater the risk; right now we’re sitting ducks. The SUVs are waiting. Rori, you go out first, make sure to keep Hades close to you, and stay behind Alonzo. We don’t know if they know about you yet, but we don’t want them thinking you’re an easy target. Amara, you’ll be close to me, alright?”
I don’t see any other option, so I nod. Nerves jump in my belly. This is really happening.
Within minutes we’re all leaving the plane, rushing down the steps toward the waiting vehicles. I keep scanning our surroundings, almost expecting someone to jump out of the shadows, but nothing happens. The other men move quickly, throwing luggage and supplies into the back of the SUVs. A few of them give quiet orders, and a couple stand sentry, guns at the ready.
Lazaro ushers me into the middle SUV, shutting the door as soon as I’m safely inside. Surprisingly, he moves to the other side and climbs into the back with me. Rori isn’t in this SUV with us, and neither is Alonzo. Another man is driving, one I don’t recognize. “Brother,” the deep voice says in greeting, glancing at us in the rearview mirror. “Your ugly face is still the same, I see. Ithought the southwestern sun would help you out with that, give you a bit of color.”
“Drive,” Lazaro growls at him. “We all know that I took all the good looks before Mama and Papa got to you. They just gave you the leftovers.”