The restof our shower is quick, but I feel lighter. Warmer. Maybe I shouldn’t, given the situation that’s unfolding around us, but here, in our own little bubble, everything is okay. Everything is right.
When we finally get down to the dining room, most of the others are already there eating, and nod in greeting when they see us. I don’t see Gia, Sienna, Rori, Alonzo, or Sofia, but Nico and Alessio are present, both of them sporting grim expressions. The atmosphere is a bit tense, but not enough to make me want to turn and run. Lazaro leads me to an open set of chairs on the other side of Massimo, who smiles at me warmly. “Little sister,” he greets.
“Why do you call me that?” I ask him curiously.
His smile widens. “Lazaro is like a brother to me, so that makes you a sister as far as I’m concerned. And well, you’re short, so the ‘little’ part is self-explanatory, don’t you think?” Hewinks, then laughs when Lazaro reaches around me to slap him upside the head.
I chuckle. “I see the brother part now,” I joke. “Lazaro, he’s just teasing.” Lazaro grumbles, reaching to fill his plate. I look over at Nico and Alessio and ask gently, “How are they?”
Nico says nothing, just scowls. Alessio, thankfully, answers me, “Sienna is feeling guilty and Rori is currently trying to calm her down. I got her mostly settled, but then she started again, and Rori came in to talk to her.”
“Gia is sleeping,” Nico says gruffly, and I can see the pain in his eyes. “This has broken her, and I can’t fucking fix it.” That last part is said with such vehemence that I jump slightly. Lazaro instantly grabs my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“Gia is strong,” Pietro reminds him calmly. “Time will help, but she has you. Think if she had been with her father or brothers when this was revealed.”
“That’s just it, I don’t know why they never said anything to her,” Nico snaps. “It’s the exact thing they would say to punish her.”
“They’re scum, Nico,” Alessio replies simply. “They probably didn’t think to tell her because it gave them permission to harm her whenever they saw fit. Or, perhaps, they planned on telling her at some point and it just didn’t happen for whatever reason. She has you now, and you will help her get through it. Eventually, Sienna will be able to talk to her and they can talk it out.”
“I don’t want?—”
“I don’t care,” Alessio says sharply, making my heart jump to my throat when Nico’s face contorts with fury. “They are blood sisters, Nico. They are the only family right now that can help each other. You and I, we want to destroy their families, but that won’t fix a hurt that deep. It will help us, but not them. Not completely. They need each other, even if we don’t like it. Youcan be as angry about that as you like. I’m fucking pissed that Sienna is hurting and I can’t fucking fix it. All I can do is be here for her until she feels better. Until she’s ready to move forward. And you need to do the same.”
Nico stews silently for a moment before he gets up and storms out, slamming the door behind him. Aurelio stands and follows him, but the rest of us are frozen in place. I look at Lazaro worriedly, but he says, “Don’t worry,dolcezza. Papa will calm him down.”
“It’s a secret talent of his,” Massimo agrees.
“Did anyone else read any more of that diary?” Alessio suddenly asks. “Are there any other revelations that are going to hurt them?”
There’s a silence, and I look at the other men and see the answer on their faces. Finally, Pietro answers. “It appears that none of them were wanted by their mother. She got them out because she didn’t want Leonardo to hold it against her. She wanted them gone. All of them. She also didn’t love her sons. She was forced into the marriage, and she did her duty by giving him children. Nothing more.”
“Fucking bitch.” Alessio seethes. “That’s going to break Sienna and Gia even more.”
“Maybe not as much as you think,” Massimo says carefully. “Sienna has parents, Alessio. She’s got two parents that she loves very much who are very much alive. She has them, she has you and the rest of us. Gia, right now, she’s feeling alone, even with Nico. Her parents are as good as dead to her. Time will help, but this is going to be hard for her.”
“She is strong,” Pietro says firmly. “Gia will be alright. If needed, I will talk to Nico about bringing her back home with us until she is ready to return.”
“He’ll never agree to that,” Lazaro argues.
“He may not, but if that is what Gia needs, then he will make sure she is happy,” Pietro answers. “I don’t think it will come to that, but for now, we need to finish this business with her family and help her get past it. Help to remind her that family is not only blood or who birthed you. It is those you choose to allow into your life, as one wise man once said.” He smiles at that, and I instantly hear Aurelio’s voice in my head.
Evidently, it’s a comment he’s made before.
The rest of our dinner is simple and mostly quiet, but my heart feels heavy. I want to comfort Gia and Sienna, but there isn’t anything I can do to help them right now. I know that.
I look at Lazaro, taking him in. I’m terrified to find out what’s in my own mother’s journal, but I know I’ll have him. He’s always going to be in my corner. He gives me a soft smile and leans over to kiss my mouth. “What’s that look for?” he asks.
I shake my head. “Nothing. Just thinking that I love you, and even if my own mother hated me too, I won’t be as broken about it. I’ll have you to help me.”
His expression softens even further. “Always,colombina. Always.”
The door suddenly opens and Aurelio and Nico rush back inside. “We’ve got a location where Leonardo might be hiding,” Aurelio barks. “And we think he has the third daughter with him. Cameras caught him minutes ago, heading into what we believe is a warehouse not far from his home.”
“Go,” Pietro orders. “Massimo, we need to get to the girl in time or she’s as good as gone.”