“Gee, are we in middle school again, Mercy? So, let me get this straight—Travis told Regan, to tell you, to tell me, that helikes me. But does he like, like me, or just sort of like me?” She giggled at her own words.
“Laugh all you want, Em. That doesn’t change the fact that Travis is hot as hell, according to Regan, and very willing to take you out and possibly give your naughty bits some much-needed attention.” Emily stopped laughing at the thought of Travis Sharp anywhere near her girl parts. She flushed at the thought of him with his head between her legs and decided that this phone call needed to end before she ended up in a ditch on the side of the road.
“Yeah, I thought that would get your attention. Listen Em, just think about it, about him. And call Regan. Maybe this guy could be the one.” Mercy sounded so hopeful that Emily didn’t want to dash her friend's hopes. Emily knew that Mercy meant well, she and Regan both did.
“Fine, I’ll call her tomorrow. Right now, I need to get to the hospital. I have an expectant mother coming in and she thinks she’s in labor—again.” Mercy giggled at Emily’s tone. As a maternity nurse, Mercy knew how out of hand some of Emily’s patients could get.
“Well, good luck with that. Love you, girl.” Mercy hung up the phone before Emily could say it back.
Emily knew that her friend was right about one thing—she needed to get laid, the sooner the better. But finding a man that fit into her crazy schedule was just about impossible. Yet here she was dreaming about finding not just one but two men to fit into her life.
Jackson Saint checked his wristwatch once again hoping that he’d be able to keep his date with the very sexy Travis Sharp, but his hopes dwindled with each passing minute. He got the call that a woman was in labor forty minutes before his shift was supposed to end. Of course, everyone else on duty was busy, and dispatch sent him out to escort the woman and her very nervous husband to the hospital. What dispatch failed to tell him was that the baby was just about out and that he was pulling up to a full-on, side of the highway birth. What else could he do besides calm the first-time father and coach the new mom to push her baby out and then rush them all to the hospital?
Luckily, the station called the situation in to the local hospital, and they had an obstetrician on duty and a pediatrician waiting for the new baby. Jackson handed the baby off to the waiting team and accompanied the new family to the room that was waiting for them. He stayed, wanting to make sure that they were properly handed off to the waiting team. But that meant that he might have to cancel on Travis, and he was hoping that tonight they would be able to take their relationship to the next level.
Jack had met Travis at his favorite gay bar, Manholes, a few weeks back, and asked him out. He loved the way Travis walked into that bar looking like a complete fucking badass with his sleeves of tats and beard. Jack was usually attracted to blonds and Travis had those sexy deep blue eyes to match but he tried to steer clear of the bad boy type that Travis seemed to exude.
When Jackson sat up at the bar and asked if he could buy Travis a beer, he was pleasantly surprised that Travis wasn’t anything like he was expecting. The badass, tattooed hottie was shy and quiet; qualities that Jack found endearing. They talked well into the night and Jack wanted to ask Travis to go home with him, but he was sure that his new shy friend wouldn’t be so quick to jump at his offer, so he didn’t ask.
He waited the obligatory two days and called Travis to ask him out for a second date, knowing that Travis would never make that first move. That worked for Jack though since he liked to take the lead and be in charge. It especially turned him on in the bedroom, but they hadn’t gotten to that point yet. He was hoping tonight he’d be able to show Travis exactly what he wanted from him. Jack imagined Travis’s big body bound to his bed, taking everything that Jackson wanted to give him.
Jackson slunk against the wall waiting for the doctor to show up and take over the new parent’s care. He was ready to go home, shower, and head over to Travis’s place. He offered to make him dinner and Jack hoped that meant what he thought it did. He could use a night of kinky sex with one of the hottest men that he met in a long time.
“Excuse me.” A woman with a sleek, long blond ponytail brushed past him and went to check on the new mother. “I take it you are the officer who delivered the baby?” She asked, checking the woman’s vitals. Jackson nodded, feeling as though he swallowed his tongue.
“Great, I’m Dr. Jude.” She crossed the small room, her hand extended and he stood up straighter taking her slight hand into his and gently shaking it. She was petite with sexy curves in all the right places. Even through her white lab coat, he could tell that she was built for sin.
“Jackson Saint but feel free to call me Jack.” She nodded and her smile lit up the room. He felt like a complete ass standing there holding her hand and gawking at her like he had never seen a woman before. The truth was, he saw plenty of women. He was bi so he had dated his fair share of both sexes, never really finding the right person to settle down with.
“Well, then, please call me Emily.” She retracted her hand, and he instantly felt her loss. Emily returned to her patient, asking a few questions, and checking the new mom over. “I was called in to deliver this precious little one,” she said, lifting the squawking baby into her arms. “But I guess she couldn’t wait to meet her mommy and daddy.” Emily checked the baby over and wrapped her in a clean blanket, handing her to the new mom. She motioned for Jack to join her in the hallway, congratulating the new parents on her way out.
Honestly, she was like a tornado and Jack was having trouble keeping up with the good doctor. She asked him to recount exactly what happened from the time he got to the scene to the moment he stepped through the hospital doors. She took copious notes and watched him as he talked. He was completely turned on by the way she sucked on the end of her pen while she was waiting for him to tell her the story. He thought about what else he’d like for her to suck and that certainly didn’t help his growing erection.
Fuck, he needed to get laid and now it didn’t look like he was going to be able to make his date with Travis. He’d have to call him to reschedule when he got done filling out paperwork and finally made it home. Jack was hoping to spend a hot nighttangled up in Travis’s sheets but for now, Dr. Emily had his full attention and he kind of liked it.