“I heard from Pete, the owner of the diner who taught me how to cook.” Regan rested her chin on Ash’s chest. Regan wanted to hide while telling them this next part. “Pete said that my stepfather was in the diner asking around about me.”
Jamison sat straight up. “There is no fucking way that asshole is getting anywhere near you, honey.” Regan knew that they weren’t going to take the news of Mike looking for her well. She was just hoping to drop the news and move on with their night.
“He’s harmless, Jamison. Pete didn’t tell him where I am and even if he knew, he wouldn’t come all the way here to find me.” Regan wanted to believe her own words but if she was being honest with herself, there was a good chance that Mike would follow her to the farm. For some reason, he seemed angry that she took off. Regan guessed that Mike wanted her to stick around and let her keep beating her but that wasn’t going to happen. When she left, he sent her numerous messages, threatening to find her and make her pay for leaving him. The whole thing was bizarre, and she just wanted to put Mike and her whole crappy, old life behind her.
“We just want to keep you safe, baby. Jamison and I don’t want to even think about what he used to do to you. You are ours now and letting that fucker anywhere near you isn’t going to happen.” She shivered at Ash’s words, knowing that he was more than capable of making good on his threats.
“You need to let us know as soon as you hear from Pete or your asshole stepfather, am I clear?” Jamison asked. Regan nodded, not sure what else there was to say. “Tell me that you understand, Regan,” Jamison growled.
“I fucking understand you, Jamison. I’m not stupid, I get what you are saying. I can also take care of myself; I have for a very long time now.” Regan knew that she overstepped and let her anger get the best of her, but she was capable of taking care of herself.
Ash stood and pulled Regan up with him. He was their buffer, and she was starting to get used to him standing in when Jamison’s anger flared. “He’s not trying to make you feel stupid,he’s trying to take care of you. We both want to do that for you. We know that you can take care of yourself, but can you let us take care of you too? Is this relationship too much for you?”
Ash’s words felt like a slap on her face. Regan took a step back from him looking around for her clothes. She suddenly felt naked and way too exposed.
“I thought that I made it clear that I want in this relationship as much as the both of you. But I won’t be talked down to and I won’t be overruled when it comes to making decisions concerning my own damn life,” she spat.
Jamison stood and pulled on his jeans, finding his shirt on the floor to slip it on. “I didn’t want to make you feel like I was taking away your right to make decisions, Regan.” Jamison crossed the room to stand in front of her, reaching out to take her hand in his. “I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to overstep, just the thought of your stepfather coming anywhere near you drives me completely nuts.” Regan nodded, looking at the floor. She was embarrassed that she let her temper control her tongue. Her mother used to tell her that you get more flies with honey. She’d usually remind Regan of that whenever her sassy mouth got the better of her.
“I’m sorry too, Jamison. I let my temper take over and I know that I can be a hothead sometimes.” The guys smirked, and she wanted to smack them both but instead broke out in a fit of giggles.
“How about we go to dinner and try to have a good night?” Ash sounded so hopeful she didn’t have the heart to tell him that she just wanted to crawl into bed and spend the night in their arms. A part of her also wanted to test the waters and see how the town would react to the three of them out together on a date. From what the guys told her, it wasn’t going to be easy coming out as a threesome in their little town but she wasn’t ready to go back to her life without them.
“Give me just five minutes to freshen up?” She asked hoping that she could run to the bathroom and remove the plug. She had forgotten that she was wearing it after they had sex but now that she was dressed and moving around, she was very aware of it.
“Sure honey,” Jamison said. He smiled down at her and released her hand to let her run to the bathroom. She had just about made her escape when he called after her. “And Regan, leave the plug in. We will remove it later and if it’s already out, I will spank your ass red.” She shivered at Jamison’s promise. She was pretty sure that she would like to be spanked. The few times they had spanked her turned her on. Regan made her way back to the bathroom, her face red with embarrassment as both guys chuckled behind her. They were going to always be one step ahead of her, keeping her on her toes and she was pretty sure she wouldn’t want it any other way.
The guys decided to take Regan to a little local bar for their first date. Ash knew that no matter where they went they were going to catch some shit for the three of them being out together. It wasn’t a secret that he and Jamison liked to share women, but this was the first time they were going on an actual date with a woman, and he knew that would garner some unwanted attention. He breathed a sigh of relief when he found that Travis and a few other buddies were already at the bar drinking. Ash knew that if things got a little out of hand his friends would step in so he and Jamison would be able to get Regan out of there safely.
They found a little corner booth, hoping to have some privacy. “I hope this place is okay with you, baby,” he whispered. Regan nodded and slid into the booth, sitting between him and Jamison.
“Is the food good here? I’m dying for a burger and is that a mechanical bull?” Regan shouted excitedly over the music.
Ash couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Regan up on top of that mechanical bull trying to hold on. Whenever someone from out of town visited the bar they always thought that theycould best the bull, but no one ever did. Still, her enthusiasm was infectious, and Ash found himself pulling her closer to steal a kiss. Jamison must have felt the same way, letting his guard down to take a kiss after Ash was finished with her. Ash looked around the bar to find some of the locals peeking over their booth, trying to figure out what the three were doing but Regan didn’t seem to notice the unwanted attention.
Travis cleared his throat, standing at their table, “You guys are just jumping right in, aren’t you? Well, that’s one way to go.” Ash couldn’t help his smirk; he knew that Travis liked to keep a low profile so showing up at their table was probably out of his comfort zone. Still, the big guy looked right at home at the little dive bar with his cowboy hat and tattoos, everyone usually left him alone.
“Hey Travis,” Regan gushed, and Ash quickly pulled her into his side. It was funny that he never felt even the slightest pang of jealousy when Jamison and Regan were together. But Regan even looking in Travis’s direction drove him a little crazy.
“Hi, Regan.” Travis smiled down at her and Jamison growled. Travis laughed, “Calm down boss, I know she’s yours. And from the looks of it, you two have nothing to worry about.” Regan nodded her head, seeming to catch on to their jealousy.
“He’s right, you know? I am yours.” Ash loved the way she so easily accepted that she belonged to them now because that was exactly how he felt about her.
“Damn straight,” Jamison growled.
“So, if you guys need anything you know the drill—just holler.” Travis winked at them and returned to his friends at the bar.
“He seems like a nice guy and a good friend,” Regan shouted. “Boy, this music is loud.”
Ash stood and pulled her from the booth. “Dance with me, baby.” He held out his hand as Regan hesitantly looked back at Jamison.
“It’s a nice thought, Regan but the town isn’t quite ready to accept the three of us dancing together. We can do that later, at home,” Ash whispered in her ear. Jamison nodded as if telling them to go on and Regan took Ash’s hand to let him lead her out to the dance floor.
He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as they swayed to the slow country song the band played. She felt so right in his arms; all he wanted to do was get her home and strip her out of her clothes again. Knowing that she was wearing the plug that he put inside her earlier made him half-crazy with lust. Regan deserved some fun first. A night out was what the three of them needed, after all, they were still getting to know each other.
Jamison ordered drinks and food for the three of them while Ash spun Regan around the dance floor for a few more songs. When the next slow song played, Jamison cut in and Regan willingly went to him. Ash kissed her lips, passing her off to Jamison who pulled her close to sway to the music. None of them missed the way they were being watched. They were all determined not to let the spectators ruin their fun.