When her bath water started to turn cold, she washed her hair and stood to get out of the tub, walking straight into a wall of man. “Ash!” she shouted his name, and his gaze roamed her naked body. She tried to cover herself, wrapping her arms around her body but that didn’t help. His eyes finally met hers and he was breathing heavily. “Why are you here, Ash?” she asked.
“I came to check on you,” he rasped. He took a step towards her, and she looked around her small bathroom for someplace to hide but found none. Ash handed her a bath towel, and she snatched it from his hand and wrapped it around her body. The way that he looked at her told her that the towel didn’t make a difference. It was as if she was still standing completely naked in front of him, his heated gaze had her squirming. She didn’t want to be turned on by the whole scene, but she was. Here she had just given herself a pep talk about not dating either of her bossesand now, she was standing in her bathroom with one of them while wearing close to nothing.
Ash cleared his throat and smiled, melting her defenses a little more. “I would say that I’m sorry that I barged in like this but I’m not. I am sorry if my being here upsets you, Regan.” She found herself shaking her head but unable to find the words to tell him that what she was feeling was far from upset. Turned on and needy—yes. Upset—no.
“I called your name a few times, but you didn’t answer. I was worried that we scared you off and you left.” His last words were almost a whisper. Was he worried that she would take off and not tell them?
“She reached out, putting her hand on his arm, and flexed her fingers. Ashton, I’d never just take off without telling you guys. Heck, you’d hear my ancient pickup or incredibly loud bike, I can’t sneak anywhere.” Ash frowned—not the response she hoped for. “Hey, that was just a joke, Ash. I’ll give you that it was a bad one but still a joke.”
Ash pulled her into his body and crushed his mouth over hers. The surprise of having his big, hard form pressed up against her petite frame, caused Regan to drop her towel. She stood completely bare in his arms and she felt safe—what she expected home would feel like.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good.” He pulled her tighter and ground his erection into her belly. “Tell me you want this. Tell me not to stop, baby.” Regan searched his face trying to find a reason to tell him no, but she found none. She nodded and Ash wasted no time picking her up and carrying her into her room, laying her across the bed.
He stood over her naked body, chest heaving as he looked her up and down. “You are so fucking beautiful, baby.” She sat up and scooted to the end of the bed to straddle his body as she slid her hands into the sweat shorts that he slipped on afterhis shower and stroked his heavy cock. Ash threw his head back and moaned, drawing her attention up to his handsome face. He thrust into her hands, and she wanted more, she needed to taste him. Leaning down, she licked the head of his throbbing cock and swirled her tongue around his shaft. He nudged deeper into her mouth until she could feel him in the back of her throat.
“Yes, baby,” he hissed. “That feels so good,” he groaned. He pulled back from her and she let him pop free from her mouth, making a disappointed little noise that had her sounding as needy as she felt from his loss. “I know baby, I don’t want to stop either, but we can’t do this, it’s not right.”
Regan pulled the blanket off her bed and wrapped it around her naked body after Ash pulled his shorts back on. She felt as though she had done something wrong, and she wanted to hide but there was nowhere for her to retreat to. He was one of her bosses and he was right, they shouldn’t be doing this. Still, it hurt that he pushed her away so easily.
“I’m sorry, Ash. You’re right, we shouldn’t do this. I told myself that I couldn’t act on my feelings for either of you but then you were so sweet and gentle. I guess I just got carried away. I can get my things together and be out of your hair in about thirty minutes.” She stood and pulled on her shorts and found a clean T-shirt.
“Wait- you have feelings for both of us?” Regan stopped shoving her stuff into her backpack and turned to face him. Had she said that? Her brain felt like a jumbled mess, and she didn’t know what she just said. All she could think about was grabbing her shit and bailing. Regan just wanted to put this whole fucking day behind her.
“What?” she whispered.
“You said that you told yourself that you couldn’t act on your feelings for either of us. Does that mean that you want Jamison too?” She knew that her face must have turned bright red, hercheeks burned with embarrassment. Who cared, she was leaving anyway.
“Yes, that is what I meant Ash, and I know what that makes me sound like. She shoved her last clean T-shirt into her bag and zipped it up. I can assure you though, I’m no slut. That would imply that I’ve actually had sex with at least one man, but I have not.” She pushed past Ash on her way to her bathroom to grab her things and found Jamison standing in her doorway, fresh from the shower. He watched her as she disappeared into her bathroom and slammed the door closed. She needed to regroup, grab her shit, and get the fuck out. There would be no recovering from her last omissions. Not only had she told Ash that she wanted them both, but she was pretty sure that they both heard her confess to being a virgin. Humiliated didn’t even come close to describing how she felt.
He knew that sending Ash in early while he brought in the cattle would have his best friend making a beeline for Regan’s room. Once he admitted that he kissed her, he knew that Ash would want his turn, but his friend got so much more than a kiss from the beautiful Regan.
Jamison had heard most of their exchange from the hallway, outside her room. It felt wrong to eavesdrop, but he didn’t want to interrupt them. What if she only wanted Ash? He wouldn’t let his desire for Regan come before his best friend’s happiness. When she pulled Ash’s cock out and he heard her making those hot, sucking noises with her mouth, Jamison pulled out his dick and stroked it. He was acting like a fucking high school kid masturbating in the hallway, listening to the hottest porn he had ever heard.
When Ash put a stop to Regan’s efforts, Jamison had a feeling that she was going to be hurt. His friend all but pushed her away. He heard the humiliation and disappointment in Regan’s voice as she got dressed and started packing up her shit and damn that pissed him off. He wanted to storm into her room and punch Ash in the face but her admission that she wantedthem both and the fact that she was a virgin had him frozen in her doorway.
“Fuck,” Ash swore, running his hands through his overly long hair. “I didn’t mean for things to get so out of control. I thought she bolted when she didn’t respond to me calling for her. Instead, I stumbled onto her getting out of her tub and just about swallowed my damn tongue when I found her naked.” Ash sat on the edge of Regan’s bed and Jamison finally found his legs, walking in to sit next to him.
“So, now what? Do we just pretend that we didn’t hear that she’s a virgin and move on with our plan to share her? She’s a fucking virgin. How is that even possible?” Jamison asked, shaking his head.
“We need to get her out of that bathroom and sit her down and have a discussion, that’s what needs to happen,” Ash said. He didn’t want to give up on their dream of making Regan theirs especially now that she admitted that she wanted them both.
“Maybe it’s time for a little honesty.” Ash stood and crossed her room, knocking on Regan’s bathroom door.
“What do you want Ash?” Regan barked through the door.
“How did you know it’s me?” Regan laughed from inside the bathroom and Ash turned back to look at Jamison and shrugged.
“You two don’t have indoor voices. I heard most of your conversation.” Regan threw open her bathroom door and entered the room. “I think it might be best if we just forget that any of this happened between us.” She stood in the corner of her room and neither of them made a move to go to her. Honestly, Jamison wanted to throw her onto her bed and make a meal of her. Hearing Regan say that she wanted them both made him crazy with lust.
“That’s going to be hard to do, honey.” Jamison stood from her bed and crossed the room to stand in front of her. “We have all crossed lines that aren’t going to be easily erased. I don’tthink I’d want to forget our earlier kiss, even if I could.” He took a chance and cupped her jaw, loving the way she leaned into his touch. “I don’t think that you want to forget it either, honey.” Regan shook her head, agreeing with him.
“No, I don’t want to forget any of it.” The way Regan looked into his eyes told him that she was ready for everything that they wanted and more. “It feels so wrong to want both of you. How can you be okay with me wanting Ash?” Jamison could feel his friend watching them, letting him take the lead right now. He didn’t want to overwhelm Regan and Jamison was thankful that he and Ash were so in tune with each other.
Jamison shrugged, “We share women, it’s just something that has always felt natural to us. When you stumbled upon our doorstep today, we both agreed that we wanted you. Until just now, we didn’t know if you felt the same but I’m so glad that you do honey.” Jamison ran his fingers through her dark, damp hair and she closed her eyes, leaning closer into his body. He took that as his invitation to kiss a path down her jawline. She smelled incredible, he wanted to know if she tasted as good.
She looked over to where Ash was watching them and held out her hand, an invitation that he immediately took. “You want this too, Ash?” His best friend smiled and nodded, pulling her into his body. He tugged her t-shirt up over her head while Jamison made short work of removing her jean shorts. Regan stood completely naked between them and Jamison groaned. Regan was everything that they had hoped for and more. Her curvy little body fit perfectly between them.