Page 23 of Theirs to Keep

“Baby, are you okay? You’re looking a little pale.” Ash sat down next to her, wrapping his arm around her.

“I just can’t seem to catch my breath and I’m feeling a little woozy,” Regan admitted.

“That’s it, baby. I’m taking you to the hospital and having you checked out,” Ash barked. He stood and lifted her into his arms.

She tried to protest but she felt too weak to fight with him. He was right, something was off. Her hand immediately flew to her belly, and she sobbed. “The baby,” her voice broke.

“The baby is going to be fine. We just need to get you to the doctor and have him check you out.” Ash carried her down the stairs and found Mrs. Lucas on the phone with the police.

“I’m taking Regan to the hospital. Something isn’t right,” Ash barked. “Call Jamison and have him meet us at the emergency room.”

Mrs. Lucas nodded, “They can send an ambulance, Ash.” She looked worriedly at Regan.

“No time, I can have her there faster,” he insisted and pushed his way out the front door, crossing the manicured lawn to his truck.

All Regan could do was bury her face in Ash’s chest and cry. Mike showed up at the house and her worry for the baby was all too much. The last thing Regan remembered was Ash buckling her into her seat and whispering that she was going to be all right just before her world went black.


Ash couldn’t seem to drive fast enough to the hospital. He ran two red lights, and it still felt like the drive took forever. Jamison met them at the entrance to the emergency room and took Regan from him.

“What the fuck happened, Ash?” Jamison looked mad enough to punch him.

“I went over to apologize for not showing up this morning and her asshole stepfather was there. He was threatening Regan and roughed up Mrs. Lucas but she’s fine. Everything is under control over there, the police are on their way. Regan passed out on the drive here.” Regan had her eyes closed and her head resting on Jamison’s chest. They rushed through the doors and to the registration desk. Ash explained what happened to the nurse on duty and within minutes, they had Regan on a journey and were rushing her back to a room.

A doctor stopped to talk to them, questioning how far along she was in her pregnancy. “She’s about fourteen weeks,” Jamison barked.

“I take it you’re the father?” The doctor questioned and Ash cringed. This was exactly what Regan was afraid of, and he was thankful that she wasn’t there for all the doctor’s questions.

“We both are,” Jamison grunted. “We should be back there with her.” The doctor paused, looking between the two of them.

“You both can’t be the baby’s father.” Fuck, they were going to have to spell it out for him but if that was their only way back to Regan, Ash had no problem laying the facts out there.

“We know that scientifically only one of us is that baby’s father. But we are both in love with her and we don’t care about who, biologically speaking, the dad is. The baby is both of ours. Now, we would like to be with Regan if you wouldn’t mind showing us back?” The doctor smirked at Ash and God; he wanted to punch him in the face.

“Are either of you married to or related by blood to Miss Starr?” Shit, they hadn’t thought this through.

“Ash here is her legal husband.” Jamison pointed at Ash, and he looked at his friend like he had lost his mind.

“And Miss Starr will attest to being married to him?” Jamison nodded but Ash wasn’t as sure. Regan had made it clear that she wanted some alone time and now Jamison expected her to lie about being married to Ash.

“Wait right here please.” The doctor disappeared back to where they had taken Regan.

“What the fuck, Jamison? There is no way that Regan will say that she and I are married. She walked out on us this morning, what makes you think she wants us back there with her?” Ash paced the floor worried that Jamison’s lie was going to push Regan further away.

“Listen, man, she’s back there alone and afraid. She will want one of us with her. Once the doctor tells her that her husband is in the waiting room, she’ll catch on. Our girl is stubborn as a mule but she’s just as smart. She’ll want you back there to help her get through this.” Ash sighed, knowing that Jamison was right.

“What about you? You should be back there too, you have just as much right to be with Regan and the baby as I do.” Jamison smiled at Ash and clapped him on the shoulder.

“You need to be with her right now, more than I do. I know you, Ash. You need her as much as she needs you. You’ll have to be there representing both of us until they let me back.” Ash pulled Jamison in for a hug, thankful for his best friend.

“Thanks, man, you always have my back.” The doctor reappeared and nodded to Ash.

“You can come back now, Mr. Travers. Your wife collaborated your story and is asking for you.” Jamison nodded at Ash to go onto Regan. The thought of her being his wife left a lump in his throat; she was all he ever wanted and more.

Ash pulled the curtain back to find Regan lying in a hospital bed hooked up to wires and machines making all types of beeping noises. Seeing her laying there so small and pale, nearly did him in.

“Baby tell me you’re all right,” Ash choked.