Page 21 of Theirs to Keep

“I think the better question is why you didn’t tell us, baby. We have a right to know we’re going to be fathers, and every baby needs a dad.” Ash crowded in on her other side kissing her forehead as she cried against Jamison’s chest.

“I don’t know which one of you is the father,” she sobbed.

Jamison chuckled. “How could you, honey? We shared you—the baby is both of ours. That was always the plan, Regan. You are ours and this baby is ours.” Jamison cupped her little bump with his hand and every protective instinct in his body screamed to life.

“I was so afraid that this baby would divide the two of you and that would kill me. I didn’t know what to do or how you would handle a baby.” Her hand covered both Ash’s and Jamison’s on her belly. “What happens now?”

“Now, you let us take care of you, honey. You and this baby need us, and we want to take care of you both.” Jamison hoped that they would be able to convince her to trust them, but he knew that was something that they had to earn.

“I need some time to think about everything. Can you both give me that? I think that I need to take off for a bit and figure my shit out.” Ash dropped his hand from her belly and Jamison didn’t miss the panic in his best friend’s eyes.

“Ash, please understand. I just can’t think when you guys are always around. If I let you take care of me and you change your mind later it will kill me. And now we have a baby to consider.”

Jamison nodded, knowing that they were fighting a losing battle. Regan was the most stubborn woman that he had ever met. He knew that if they pushed her she would leave. He also knew that if they let her go, even just a few miles up the road, she would be close enough to keep an eye on. He had a plan, he just hoped like hell she would agree.

“You remember Mrs. Lucas, honey?” Regan thought for a moment and nodded.

“She was your last cook,” she said.

“Yes,” Jamison continued. “She has a big house and a spare room. You would have plenty of privacy and loads of space. You’d be able to figure out your next move and we would agree to give you the space to do that.” Regan paced in front of them, and they both seemed to hold their breath waiting for her to decide.

“You’re sure she won’t mind having me?” Regan seemed hesitant.

“She would love to have you, honey.” Jamison smiled and knew that if his plan worked, Mrs. Lucas would be a good asset to have on their side.

“All right,” she whispered.

Jamison kissed her cheek, “Thank you for that, honey. We’ll help you pack and make the arrangements.” He didn’t miss Ash’s sour expression or how quiet he was. Ash didn’t like that Regan was leaving but this was the only way Jamison saw them keeping her and their baby long-term.

“You take some time and think about what you want for yourself and our baby. We’ll be right here for you no matter what you decide, honey. You should know that Ash and I plan on being a part of this baby’s life,” Jamison said.

Regan gasped, “What if I decide that I can’t be with the two of you anymore?” God, hearing her say those words to them gutted Jamison. He took a deep breath willing himself to get through the rest of what he needed to say to her; what they both needed to tell her.

“Regan, we are going to be here for you no matter what.” Jamison held her hand in his and it seemed so small in his own.

“We’re in love with you, baby,” Ash whispered and took her other hand into his.

“No,” she sobbed. “That’s not possible. We were only together for a few days.”

“Yeah, and in those few days, we found something that we never thought was possible—our soul mate.” Jamison pulled her in for a quick kiss and then released her.

“Not only did we find the woman that we didn’t know we were waiting for, but we made a baby—our baby,” Ash growled. Jamison saw the toll that this was taking on Ash and he wanted to make everything better for him, but he knew to do that they would have to let Regan leave. He just prayed that she’d find her way back to them.


Regan got settled at Mrs. Lucas’s house the next morning. Leaving the farm was harder than she imagined it would be. Ash left early without even saying goodbye and Jamison made up some excuse for his friend’s disappearance. She knew that Ash was taking her leaving hard, but she needed to do this for herself and her baby. Regan needed to make some hard and fast decisions about her future, and she couldn’t do that at the farm with them distracting her.

Hearing them tell her that they were in love with her last night in the barn nearly made her change her mind about leaving. But she couldn’t let her heart lead her down that road again. Regan wanted to be sure that she was making the right decision for her baby. She knew that the guys would step up and be great dads to her child, that was never a question. Regan was having trouble with how she was going to explain to her baby who his or her father was. Hell, if she was being completely honest, she was worried about explaining that to everyone else also. What kind of woman did that make her, not knowing who her baby’s father was?

When she agreed to be in a polyamorous relationship with Jamison and Ash she never thought that she would end up pregnant and alone. She let her heart, and her hormones get the best of her and now she was stuck in a situation that she saw no way out of.

“Would you like something to eat, dear?” Mrs. Lucas startled her from her unpacking. She didn’t have much, especially now that most of her clothes were getting too small for her growing belly.

“No thank you, Mrs. Lucas. I think I would just like to lay down if that’s all right with you?” The sweet older woman smiled and nodded.

“Dinner will be at six if that works for you?” Regan agreed and Mrs. Lucas headed back downstairs leaving her to her thoughts. Regan shut her door and plopped down onto the soft bed. Every muscle in her body ached and she was bone tired. She hadn’t slept well in ages, and everything was starting to catch up with her.

Jamison had helped her move her few bags over to Mrs. Lucas’s house. Their former cook only lived five miles away from the farm, so they didn’t have a long ride together. Still, riding in complete silence with him made the trip feel like it was never going to end. After he put her bags in her room Jamison pulled her into his arms and kissed her goodbye. When he left, she sat on the bed and cried knowing that she was letting half of her heart walk out the door. Ash held the other half. She was in love with them both, but she was so afraid to admit it. Telling herself that she was better off on her own was a complete lie. She and the baby needed them both, but Regan also needed time and space to figure a way forward.