Regan woke and stretched to realize that she was alone in Jamison’s bed. She sat up to check the alarm clock on the nightstand and cursed when she saw that it was just after eight in the morning. Part of her job description was to get up and make the guys breakfast and coffee before they headed out for the day. As far as fulfilling that part of the job description, she was epically failing. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and found one of Jamison’s T-shirts to pull on. She would take a quick shower and go out to find the guys to apologize. She needed to do better not because she worried about losing her job but because she wanted to be good for them both. Regan liked the idea of being enough to take care of them both, she was starting to crave them and their praise. Letting them down felt plain lousy.
She showered and pulled her wet hair back into a messy bun, not fooling with makeup. Regan got down to the kitchen to find a note from Ash saying that they wanted her to sleep in and that he took care of breakfast. Her plate was in the refrigerator, and he was even sweet enough to add reheating instructions. She giggled at his little drawing that he made of what she assumed to be her with Jamison and Ash on either side of her.Regan reheated her sandwich and guzzled down some coffee. She was going to do some housework to familiarize herself with everything and prepare lunch. Jamison and Ash liked to eat lunch just before noon so that left her a few hours to get some stuff done.
Regan was throwing in a load of Jamison’s laundry when her cell phone chimed with a text. She pulled out her phone knowing that only a few people had her number. The message was from Pete, making her instantly worry that something was wrong. She just texted him the night before to let him know that she was safe and employed.
Pete:Hey Regan- Your stepfather was here today asking about you. I didn’t give him any clue as to where you are but somehow, he knew you went south.
She shook her head, disgusted that Mike was asking about her. He had no right to know where she was. Regan was afraid that he would try to find her and mess up her chances of finally being happy. The last thing she wanted was to have him get anywhere near Jamison or Ash; she shivered at the thought.
Regan: Thanks for the heads up, Pete. I’m so sorry that he’s bothering you.
After everything Pete had done for her, the last thing he needed was her asshole stepfather hanging around the diner, causing trouble. Her phone chimed again, and she felt almost near tears.
Pete: No problem just keep your ear to the ground and be safe.
Regan shot Pete back another quick note of thanks and ran down to the kitchen to start lunch. The guys radioed earlier to let her know that it would just be the two of them coming in to eat. She had to admit, she was kind of relieved since she hadn’t met all the other farmhands. She met Travis yesterday during the whole grocery store mix-up and he seemed great. She justwasn’t ready to broadcast to the other employees that she was sleeping with the bosses. Regan knew what it looked like and being involved with them both probably made everything look a million times worse. Regan just wanted to blend in and try to find her way. Of course, sleeping with both bosses the day that she landed the job might not have been her finest decision. Still, she wouldn’t change a thing about their relationship. She liked Jamison and Ash and decided that she wouldn’t regret anything that had happened between them.
Regan didn’t want to care what others thought but she did. It mattered to her that people in town were going to look at her and think that she was a greedy out-of-towner who got her job sleeping with her bosses. From her Google search, the farm had done well over the years since Ash and Jamison took it over. She did a little research before she drove out to meet them for her job interview, not wanting to go in cold. According to Google, Ash and Jamison had taken a run-down farm and turned it into one of the most profitable cattle businesses in the South. Both guys had somewhat of a fan following on their social media pages with women gushing how both men were great catches. If those women only knew how good they both were, they would be lined up down the block begging the guys to take them out to dinner. And here she was worried about being seen in public with them both.
Ash came barreling through the door first, startling her back to reality. “Hey gorgeous, did you sleep well?” He sauntered across the kitchen and pulled her into his arms, kissing her mouth in a hard-quick kiss.
“You guys should have woken me; I should have made you breakfast.” She watched as Ash washed his hands and arms in the kitchen sink, marveling at the way his muscles bunched and rippled under the water.
“You were exhausted from your trip, and we didn’t let you sleep much either night, so I got up and made everyone breakfast. It’s not a big deal,” he shrugged.
“Well, it’s a big deal for me. Making your meals is my job, right?” Ash picked up one of the deli sandwiches she made for them and took two big bites, quickly finishing off a whole sandwich.
“About that, Regan. Jamison and I don’t want to be just a job to you.” Jamison strode through the kitchen’s back door and cleared his throat. He pulled Regan in for a quick kiss before washing up. She was pretty sure that she could get used to two hot men kissing and grabbing her, it made her skin tingle every time either of them touched her.
“What Ash is trying to say is that we feel that our relationship has progressed past employee and employers. Would you agree?” Jamison washed up and grabbed a sandwich, pulling her into his side. She liked the way they both kept touching her as if needing a connection with her.
She thought about what Jamison was asking her and to be honest, she did feel that they had both become more than just her bosses. But, if she admitted that, would she still have a job? Regan was afraid to even ask but she needed to know just where she stood with them.
“I can see your wheels spinning, baby,” Ash said. He stood on her other side and wrapped his arms around her waist. “Just tell us how you feel, there is no wrong answer.”
She decided to just rip the band-aid off. “Yeah, I think of you both as more than just my bosses. But where does that leave me? I need a job. So, if you are both my boyfriends, that means I need to find another place to work.”
Jamison barked out his laugh and kissed her forehead. “Honey, there is no fucking way you are going to get another job.After that meatloaf and mac and cheese last night, you’re not going to be cooking for anyone but us.”
Ash kissed her neck, humming his approval, “You still need a job, baby, and we need a cook. So, Jamison’s right, you aren’t going anywhere else. It’s just nice to hear you say that we’re your boyfriends.” She smiled, liking the way Ash said, “Boyfriends.” It was strange to think of them both that way but that was exactly what they were becoming, and she was okay with that.
“I agree with Ash; I like to hear you call us that too. Say it again,” Jamison ordered. He worked on kissing his way down the other side of her neck, making her giggle.
“You are both my boyfriends,” her voice sounded breathy and needy. “And, if you two don’t stop kissing and touching me, I’ll never get done my work in time to go out on our date.” Jamison swatted her ass, making her yelp and Ash pulled her up for one last steamy kiss. They both took another sandwich and left, promising to be back in time to shower and dress before their date. She had to admit she was now looking forward to their night out. Both of her guys were right, if the town’s people didn’t approve of their relationship—then fuck them.
Jamison paced the front room waiting for Ash and Regan to finish getting dressed. They got done work early, leaving the evening chores for two of their guys. He and Ash usually let their employees go home to their families while they handled the evening work. But now that they had Regan, they would be taking their fair share of nights off.
They found Regan in the shower when they came in to get dressed and decided to join her. She had moved her things into his room and that made him happier than he cared to admit. His bedroom was the largest and his bathroom had a shower that they could throw a party in. They took turns soaping Regan’s body up and then they fucked her until she screamed out both of their names a few times. She was made for them and right now, he counted himself one of the luckiest men in the world.
Regan had made their house feel more like a home in just two days than it ever had. Making her theirs was the best decision that he and Ash had ever made. Having her with them felt right like they had been waiting for her all their lives. He knew he sounded like one of those sappy country love songs, but he didn’t give a shit.
Ash and Regan came down the stairs together, and he smiled at them both. This whole date thing was going to be fun but first, he and Ash had a little surprise for their girl.
“We got you a little present, honey.” Regan looked confused, not quite the reaction that he was hoping for.