“Whoo!” was Kian’s excited response. He beamed at the crowd across the pub and waved to Emilia. “Momma, hi! Hi!”
I grinned and bent down to Ellie and Trip. “You remember what to say when we ask the question before the song?”
“I remember!” Ellie said proudly.
“Yeah.” Trip smirked and went back to sucking cocoa through a straw.
I kissed their foreheads, then gave West a smooch too.
“Enjoy the show,” I said against his lips.
He touched my cheek. “Second time seeing it, first time loving every minute.”
I smiled like the love-sick idiot I was then joined my mates on the little stage.
Liam handed me a microphone. Finn picked out a whistle from his case. Ted, some distant cousin who sounded like Josh Groban, threw back a shot of vodka. No tea and honey for that voice.
A few months ago, the four of us had performed this song at Mick’s back home in Philly. Life had looked a lot different then. It’d been filled with anxiety, hope, dread, and doubt.
Now… This pub looked a lot like Mick’s, proper Irish, only it was actually in Ireland. Killarney, the home of the O’Sheas. My daughter wore a dress that glittered, my boy had donned a bow tie, Colby was acting like he and the other teenagers hadn’t stolen beer, and my man was happy.
Kids ran between the tables, high on sugary mocktails and the New Year’s spirit. We were evidently celebrating the fuck out of life for three full days. We’d arrived the day before yesterday, and West and I hadn’t had a minute to ourselves. It was one event after another. Brunch at the pub, dinner at the pub, party at Emilia and Finn’s house, drinks at Shan and Kellan’s place…
Between Philly, Chicago, Boston, Dublin, Cork, and Killarney, about fifty or sixty relatives filled the pub. But thankfully, not all were invited to the private dinners. I mean, I was social and shit, but even I had limits.
Tonight was no private affair.
“Eric!” Finn called. “We’re waitin’ on your ass!”
Kellan cued up the song on the laptop. “Speaking of, how’s yours, Alfie?”
I scratched my eyebrow with my middle finger.
“Don’t make me leave the chat again,” Finn threatened. “You fuckers make me clench a lot.”
I laughed under my breath and spotted Eric emerging with his fiddle. For the special occasion and all. He hadn’t played with us last time, but he was apparently excellent with the fiddle.
Liam switched on his mic and stepped forward. “Everyone having a good time tonight?”
“I’ve had better!” Kellan trolled.
“Barely any jet lag at all!” Oh, West was gonna be funny too.
“Hi, Daddy!” Ryan yelled.
I grinned and turned on my microphone too.
But first, Finn spoke into his. “Can we check to make sure Ryan’s soda doesn’t have booze in it?”
The audience laughed, and Ryan hid against Emilia’s dress, uncharacteristically shy. It would last about two seconds with that one.
“Aight—thanks for being here tonight, everyone,” Finn went on. Kian wanted down again, so Finn talked while he helped his boy off the stage. “Before we entertain you with our out-of-this-fuckin’-world musical talent, I wanna shake my cousin’s hand and…” He extended a hand to me, and I furrowed my brow, confused, and grasped his hand. He spoke again, and he didn’t let go of my hand. “And give him an official welcome to the Sons of Munster.”
Oh, fuck me.I swallowed, suddenly nervous. I hadn’t fucking expected this.
Kellan and maybe a dozen or so others whistled and applauded, but Finn wasn’t done.