He smirked faintly and lifted his brows. “I come bearing good news, actually.”
I was all ears.
“Late last night, three of our boys overheard a conversation at that Balkan club,” he said. “They reported it in, and Colm gave the green light for pursuit.”
Holy shit. Was he for real? I pushed off the desk and let my hands fall to my sides, my pulse skyrocketing.
“It’s them,” he confirmed.
“Ah, thank fuck.” I scrubbed my hands over my face as a tsunami of relief crashed down on me. We knew who they were,we knew who they were. Did we also knowwherethey were? I peeked between my fingers. “How did the pursuit go?”
He pocketed his gloves. “They’re currently tied up in a safehouse halfway to Allentown.”
Jesus Christ, I couldn’t fucking believe it. I’d been forced to remain on the outside of this whole mess, so while I didn’t even know what they looked like, what their names were, and how they’d been found, Finn’s boys had actually located and apprehended them.
They’ll never hurt you again, Mom.
I cleared my throat and blinked back my emotions, and I let out a laugh as if I was losing my mind. Halfway to Allentown—got it. We had two locations around there, though one was in the middle of a small industrial area. We used it mainly for storage and distribution.
Kellan smiled and joined my side, and he threw an arm around my shoulders. “We told you we’d get ’em, mate.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek before easing off. He nodded toward the doorway. “Come on. Stew and a couple pints are on me.”
Yeah, gimme a fucking minute. I sniffled and scrubbed another hand over my face.
They’d found the fuckers. They’d shot their last video. They’d hurt their last woman.
“And you’re sure it’s them,” I said, clearing my throat.
“Oh, we’re sure.”
I sniffled and did my best to get my shit together. My chest felt so weird, tight and relaxed at once. Like, every breath was now liberating, but I had so many emotions stirring that I was a little mindfucked. Like my body and brain couldn’t contain it all.
“There’s only one minor problem,” he said. “We gotta lie low for a few days—our three guys who caught ’em, I mean. And thatincludes not going to the address they’re hiding out at for the moment. The safehouse. We gotta wait.”
“Okay?” I frowned. “What happened?”
“We’re not sure anything happened,” he answered. “It’s a precaution. There’s a small risk someone spotted one of our Mikeys when they loaded up the attackers in a van, so I told them to remain at the safehouse while we check things out. Eric’s on it.”
“So one of the Mikeys and the other two?—”
“Bran and Chase in JJ’s crew.”
“Right. They’re at the safehouse with the attackers?”
He inclined his head. “In short, we don’t want any traffic on the road leading up to the property. Easier to keep track of anyone coming and going—there are three houses on the road, with ours at the far end.”
Okay, got it. “Aight, but nobody else needs to lie low? Do I need to schedule something with JJ?”
“Nah, it’s all good. We’ll just let them hide out for a couple days, and then I’m heading up there.”
“Withme, I hope,” I said pointedly. “Finn better let me get involved now.”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry, you can start making a list of how you wanna make them suffer.”
Oh, I fucking would. I’d already fantasized quite a bit about this day.
“One more thing,” he told me. “No mention of this to anyone. That includes your man. Nothing on the phone, nothing in person, nothing to Colby—this doesn’t leave the inner circle. Not until we know the coast is clear.”
I pretended to zip my mouth shut. Suddenly, it was a blessing in disguise that West had his work trip.