"Return to your tasks," he said to them.
They obeyed. Their actions now carry tension, devoid of their previous ease.
Both stood out among humans not only for the regal air that always surrounded them, but also because of their exceptional beauty.
The boy possessed an unusual level of beauty that no boy should rightfully possess, and his long, jet-black hair only added to it.
An attractiveness that was uncommon. Almost ethereal.
Yet, it was the girl who consistently captured Vladya's attention. Even now, his gaze remained fixed on her.
It was simply unfair for a human female to be so breathtakingly beautiful.
"My lord?" Yaz's voice interrupted his thoughts.
"What is it, Yaz?"
"You were growling," Yaz pointed out.
Was he? Vladya noticed the rumbling in his throat and promptly ceased.
Curse the gods, the girl had the uncanny ability to get under his skin like no other human ever had.The desire to mount her surged within him once more.
The thoughts he entertained regarding the young princess were… disturbing.
He wanted to put his hands on her. To make it hurt. To make herscream. Toconsumeher.
He wanted to unleash on her and watch how she would handle him in his most animalistic state. Above all, her blood called out to him.
Hecravedto sink his fangs into her pale neck and drink from her until she was writhing in his arms.
"My lord?" Yaz's voice broke through his thoughts again.
"What is it now, Yaz?" he asked, slightly irritated.
"Your fangs, my lord. They are out."
Blast it all!Vladya retracted them, spun around, and began walking away.That damned human.
"Summon Lady Merilyn. Instruct her to meet me in my chambers," Vladya commanded as he strode off.
For some reason, that girl awakened his dark side. A reason among many why he despised her. He would be damned before he succumbed to his desires for her again.
He would not.
He would NOT!
Chapter thirty
Emeriel hesitated, then rapped at the door. Moments later, the door swung open and a maid emerged. "How may I be of service?"
"I am Emeriel. Could you kindly inform your lord that Emeriel is here to pay him a visit?" Emeriel requested.
"Of course. Please wait here for a moment." The maid disappeared inside. After a few minutes, she returned and guided him inside, stating that Lord Herod was ready to receive him.
Emeriel felt a rush of nerves and desperation, leaving him unable to do anything more than a nod.