"I mean, my hymen is still intact." Emeriel knew how ridiculous that sounded. How crazy. He had thought so too, when he found out during his research. "It has something to do with me being a syren."

"But the beast has mounted you twice," Aekeira added, trying to make sense of it.

"During my heat. According to what I read, no matter what a Urekai male does to sate a syren or Urekai female during their heat, the body repairs afterward," Emeriel explained.

"For the full heat, the healing could take more time, and be much more painful. However, in the end, the body repairs itself back to the way it was before heat. The beast has mounted me twice now, and both times, I was in heat. And I've never had anyone else." He shrugged. "My body healed completely—hymen and all."

"Really?” Aekeira's eyes were wide with surprise. "Does that mean that if any of these lustful soldiers touch you now, they will disvirgin you again?"

“I guess. If I'm not in heat."

Aekeira was floored. "Now I worry for you even more than I did five minutes ago. I dread the thought of any of those lustful animals putting their hands on you."

Emeriel snorted. "You already worry too much as it is, Keira. Tone it down so you do not fall sick."

"I healed fast too," she recalled, biting her lower lip. "No hymen, of course, but I recall Lord Zaiper mentioning how fast I healed, for a human, that night he came here to visit."

“Thank the Light for that. I guess you’re fortunate. I don't have all the details yet, but I've been spending time in the library, reading and trying to gain a better understanding. But there are countless books, and it will take more time.” Emeriel said.

Hope flickered in Aekeira's eyes, too. "Yes, there must be another explanation. We will find it, I am certain."

Emeriel was not, and he took a shuddering breath. He chose not to reveal to Keira that his thoughts were consumed by the beast at all times.

That he had erotic dreams about King Daemonikai's beast, awakened and pleasured himself, while envisioning the various ways the beast could take him.

That last night, in that chamber, he had thought of the beast as his throughout their encounter. His beast. His beloved.

Emeriel kept all of that to himself, aware of how much it would freak his poor sister out. At the same time, he desperately hoped Aekeira was right.

He hoped to hell that there was another explanation for all of this. And not what his entire being was singing to him. That he was Grand King Daemonikai'sSoulbond.

Chapter twenty-nine


Grand Lord Vladya strode toward the gardens of Blackstone accompanied by Yaz, who provided a detailed account of the farming conditions in Brookwood—a sizable village in Urai renowned for its fertile lands.

Despite the efforts of their best farmers, this season's crop production was significantly lower than the previous one.

As they walked, Vladya observed the toiling slaves and the soldiers training on the opposite side of the field.

"My dear lord, Vladya?" a familiar voice called out.

Vladya turned to see Mistress Sinai approaching. He took her outstretched hand and placed a respectful kiss upon it. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit today?"

"I apologize for interrupting you, but there are matters I wish to discuss," she said.

Vladya exchanged a meaningful look with Yaz, signaling for the head soldier to depart. Left alone with Sinai, he turned his attention to her. "What seems to be the matter?"

"I wish to punish one of your slaves severely. I thought it appropriate to inform you, considering he was specially acquired. After all, you undertook the journey yourself to buy him."

Vladya furrowed his brow. "Whom exactly are we referring to?"

"The young prince."

Grand Lord Vladya tilted his head in thought. "What has he done?"

"I simply do not like him. He grates on my nerves."