Emeriel nodded. Talking felt like too much effort.

As she awaited Amie's return, Emeriel endured.

The first contraction hit, even more intense than the previous ones, and by the time she emerged from it, Emeriel found herself curled up on the ground, trembling like a leaf.

The second contraction came just a few minutes later, and Emeriel had to bite down on the back of her hand to stifle her screams of agony.

Oh the sky, so much pain...

In that moment, she realized she was fighting a losing battle. She needed something inside her. And she needed it urgently.

Before she knew it, she’d risen, her moving of their own accord.

As if her body instinctively knew what it desired, while her sluggish mind struggled to keep up. Her legs led the way, while her body followed.

"Where is she?" Madam Livia asked as soon as they turned into the hallway where Amie had left Emeriel.

"I left her here, madam," Amie whirled around as if she expected Emeriel to magically appear. In a much lower voice, she added, "She agreed to stay."

Madam Livia began searching for her as Amie trailed behind her.

Their footsteps echoed through the corridors as they scoured the bedroom and slave quarters. However, their efforts proved fruitless. She was nowhere to be found.

"Maybe she took my initial suggestion," Amie said, breaking the silence.

"And what might that be?"

“I told her that she could meet the soldiers for relief,” Amie confessed, her cheeks reddening as she lowered her head.

Madam Livia snorted. "What are you doing awake and wandering around here anyway?"

"Nothing!" Amie said, all too quickly. "Absolutely nothing. I was merely heading to relieve myself when I stumbled upon Prin—Emeriel."

The older woman paused, studying Amie closely. She couldn't meet her gaze.

"Are the guards bothering you again? You know you can confide in me, right? I would report them and ensure they face punishment."

Amie was well aware of that. She had reported incidents before, and true to her word, Madam Livia had demoted the guard to sentry.

But no one had informed her about the consequences of exposing soldiers and slavemasters. Amie learned the hard way. "Of course, Madam Livia. Nothing is happening at all."

The head maid resumed walking, but surprised Amie when she reached the intersection and took the path leading to the fourth wing.

Why would Prince Emeriel go to the fourth wing?

A moment later, Amie couldn't hold her curiosity any longer. "Um... Madam Livia? Why are we heading towards the Abyss land?"

Madam Livia remained silent as they continued walking.

As Amie prepared to ask the question again, she heard hushed voices.

"Leave me alone," a shaky, familiar tiny voice said.

"Why does this slave have such a sweet scent? It's almost as if she's in heat," a deep male voice remarked.

"Right? A mini-heat, maybe, the scent is faint. My dick hasn't gone down since I caught a whiff," another male voice chimed in.

"Who is she? I can't recall seeing such a pretty face before. Or such luscious hair. She's almost angelic. I would definitely remember," spoke the first voice.