Aekeira lowered her eyes. His words didn't hurt her, even though his tone suggested otherwise, his posture conveyed something else.Thatwas what scared her.

The silence gnawed at her, awakening her nerves once again. He crossed to his dresser, and began to shed his ceremonial attire.

Aekeira tried her best not to look, her eyes darting everywhere but at him. It was like fighting a losing battle against curiosity.

The rustle of fabric filled the air, accompanied by the soft scrape of movements.

Before she knew it, her eyes were fixed on him. He had his back to her, but the view was...

Aekeira swallowed hard.

His body was the sculpted perfection of a god. Muscled, chiseled, powerfully built ā€“ he was a vision both mesmerizing and unsettling, and she found herself unable to tear her gaze away.

Never before had she found cause to admire a man's physique. Why would she, when every man she had encountered had only brought her suffering and filled her with revulsion?

She was all too aware of the pain they were capable of inflicting.

As she continued to gaze, a sliver of numbness gave way, replaced by an uneasy prickle of awareness. The sensation felt unfamiliar. Disturbing.

The strangeness horrified her. This was Grand Lord Vladya, the same male she abhorred. The same lord who held the power to harm her, or even end her life if he chose.


The command startled her, forcefully pulling her from her reverie. It required a moment for her to comprehend, and upon realization, it felt as though she had been doused with icy water.

Aekeira rose to her feet, her stance unsteady, her gaze respectfully lowered.

"Undress. I want you naked," his tone was cold and clipped.

"Please, Iā€”"

His head turned, and the deadly glare instantly shut her up.

Completely undressed, he turned, offering her a full view of his body. "My command was for you to strip, not to speak. Do not make me repeat myself.ā€

His words were lost on her. Her entire attention involuntarily fixated on his body.

Holy light-gods.His chest was broad, his abs well-defined. And those muscular shoulders.No one should look this good.

Her mind wandered back to the night she had slept here in his chambers. She had awakened to witness him taking the maid. His thrusts vigorous, his movements hard, the girl moaning in pleasure.

That image had remained ingrained in her memory, evoking warmth within her whenever she recollected it. Now, as she looked at him, her gaze thoroughly took him in.

Then drifted downward.

Aekeira's breath left her body. And not in a good way.

His manhood stood erect, intimidatingly large, and ready to cause harm. Her mind filled with fear and horror.

She did not wantthatanywhere near her.So why was her body responding with warmth?

But for the first time in her life, Aekeira felt her body go moist at the sight of a man's naked form.What in the name of the gods was wrong with her? Why did her womanhood suddenly ache and throb?

"You slut."

Aekeira flinched, her eyes darting away. He had caught her staring.

With purposeful and predatory strides, he closed the distance between them. Aekeira's breath caught in her throat.