The anger he expected to see in Zaiper's eyes was absent. Instead, he looked smug, confirming Vladya's suspicion that Zaiper had chosen Aekeira tonight solely to spite him.

"No objections," Zaiper raised his hands in surrender, grinning. "You can have her tonight. You need the relaxation more than anyone else in this room. There is always another day." He turned to Aekeira, "Until next time, sweet little one."

Grand Lord Zaiper walked away, pausing to select three female slaves to accompany him as he left the court, his soldierstrailing behind him. Without sparing Aekeira a glance, Grand Lord Vladya also departed.

Aekeira rose, her legs unsteady, and took in her surroundings. Slaves danced, some engaged in sexual acts while others performed oral services. Aekeira wiped her teary eyes and blindly reached for her clothes.

Someone pressed garments into her hand and wrapped an arm around her waist, leading her away from the central gathering.

"I'm s-so sorry. I'm so sorry," Emeriel cried, his body shaking with remorse.

Aekeira shook her head, choosing to remain silent. She allowed Emeriel to guide her as they moved further away from the court, weeping softly.

Emeriel had no idea where he was going, but he knew he wanted to be away from court. His heart broke with every tear that left Aekeira's eyes.

Finally, they reached a secluded area, and Emeriel enveloped her in his arms. "You were right, we h-have to escape from here. I will n-never forgive myself for what they did to you." Tears streamed down his face as he held his sister close.

"This was not your fault, Em. It was bound to happen," Aekeira sniffled. "Besides, you were right. If we get caught escaping, we will face death."

"Is death such a terrible alternative? Our lives are already miserable," Emeriel mused, catching himself, realizing his words only added to his sister's despair. "I'm sorry. Here, let me help you."

Emeriel took the clothes from her and assisted Aekeira in putting them on. For a while, silence hung between them. Afterward, he used his palm to wipe his sister’s tears, and Aekeira did the same to his.

"Come on, let's return inside before we face punishment. The ceremony is almost over," Emeriel suggested, managing a broad, tearful smile intended to lift Aekeira's spirits.

It worked, as Aekeira mirrored the expression with a watery smile of her own and softly agreed. "Okay."

Emeriel took hold of her hand, and they began walking back.

"What am I going to do, Em? Grand Lord Vladya has officially summoned me to his chambers tonight," Aekeira whispered.

"What!?" Emeriel's eyes widened, as he suddenly halted his steps.

Aekeira nodded, visibly shuddering. "The look in his eyes whenever he gazes at me terrifies me, Em. I know he dislikes all humans, but I do not understand why he hates me the most."

Emeriel's eyes welled with tears, and he angrily wiped his cheek. He had never felt so helpless in his entire life. "I do not wish this for you, Keira. I hate that this is happening."

A watery smile graced Aekeira's lips. "Well, the alternative is Grand Lord Zaiper, so I suppose I got lucky, right?"

"They are both wrong choices. When you chose to undress for Grand Lord Zaiper, I noticed an ugly emotion flash on Grand Lord Vladya’s face. I couldn’t quite interpret what it was, but it was…unsettling."

"Yes, that..." Aekeira bit her lip.

"There were so many slaves there tonight. Why you?" Emeriel wondered aloud. "Why did the grand lords single you out? Our luck is ill-fated and filled with misfortune."

Aekeira, always being Aekeira, shook her head. "Don't say that, Em. We will get through this." Though uncertainty filled her eyes. "At least you escaped them tonight."

Emeriel looked away, his voice filled with resignation. "What good does it do when, three days from now, the slaves who were not introduced tonight will have to serve the court for theirTreaty Party? Other slaves whisper that there will be another presentation that night, and I fear they are right."

Aekeira anxiously bit her lip. "Let us not worry about the future just yet. The present is already burdensome enough. At least your secret was not discovered tonight, and no harm befell you. That makes whatever will happen tonight worth enduring."

Emeriel remained silent as they arrived at the door of the high court. Something on his face caught Aekeira's attention, causing her to stop. "What happened? Something happened, didn't it?" Panic filled her eyes.

Emeriel hesitated, "A lord inspected me."


"But do not worry sister, he did not expose me. Instead, he let me go," Emeriel concluded, managing a smile. "I was fortunate."